Operation: See Harry Styles Naked

Start from the beginning

"OH my god! Is that THE cane?" Zayn asked laughing.

"Yep." I said feeling it.

"Woah, Shelby your not like 90 put that back now!" Louis said.

"Funnnnnyyyy. But this is for Harry and his butt." I said. Louis looked at me weird.

"I'm pranking him for seeing my breasts!" I said.

"Ohhh. Okay. Haha thats funny!" He said laughing.

"Ya ya thanks." I said.

"Now quiet. Wait is Niall and Liam still asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah. I ducktaped there mouth shut." Louis said like it wasnt a big deal.

"What!? Whatever just shhh." I said opening the door slowly. OH HAZZA.

Harry's POV

"Its gotta be youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." I sang. Yeah yeah thats right HAZZA hit a highnote!!! Should I shave? Im i too Harry? Well I am Harry Styles.


"AAAAH!" I screamed trying to cover my...my...wewe.

"Hahah!" She laughed.

"Got a pretty good thing goin' on there." She said winking at me. I didnt say anything. I am SHOCKED!

"GO!" I said still trying to cover it!

"Were even! OKAY?" She asked pointing the cane at me.

"Yes yes!" I said.

"Ha okay." She said closing the door.

"My god that is the scariest thing ever." I whispered to myself. It would be even scarier if it was the old man. Eeeek.

Shelby's POV

I laughed and rolled on the floor dropping the cane.

"You got him?!" Louis asked laughing with me. I nodded my head.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" Harry yelled from the shower. I was to amused to reply back.

"Oh my god. That is the funniest thing ever." I said wiping a tear away.

"Wish I was there!" Zayn said laughing.

"You should of came! We all should of came!" I said. Oh my god! We should of done that! Hahaa.

"So you saw..it?" Louis asked.

"Oh yeah. I saw his peacock alright." I said nodding my head.

"Okay...so you guys are even now...he cant look at you naked anymore and you cant see him naked either." Zayn said. I think hes a little jelly. Harry saw my boobs before he did! Ha.

"What time is it?" Liam suddenly asked.

"Like 10." I said laughing a little. Oh that was so funny.

"How is '10' funny?" Liam asked.

"While you were asleep...I saw Harrys...." I said looking at the ceiling.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" He asked smiling. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Im up im up." Niall said raising up.

"Yay.." I said with no expression.

"Oh sorry nightmare." He said wiping his eyes.

"What about?" Louis asked.

"HER." Niall said pointing to me. I opened my mouth.

"Niall." Zayn said slapping him on the face. I smiled.

"OW! And it was about her grabbing a cane you know and like hitting me with it and like following me with weenies and like smacking me with a spoon full of relish." He said.

"That must of been horrible!" Liam said like he was scared.

"It did have the word SPOON in it." Niall said.

"AH." He said hiding under the covers. I heard the shower turn off. I smiled.

"Okay Shelby we are going to talk." Harry said serious.

"Oh we will Harold." I said all sexy.

"No im serious! I almost peed!" He said.

"Ew. And thats what you get for seeing my girls." I said crossing my arms.

"But-" He tried to say.

"No butting young man." Louis said.

"CUZ WE ARE THE SAME!" Niall sang and yelled.

"Niall this is not a concert!" Liam said smacking him.

"OWWWWW! You little BETTY!" Niall yelled getting on Liam. I laughed.

"Were even lets just say that." I said going back Harry.

"Fine but where is the cane?" He asked serious. I smiled.

"Over there...why...you scared?" I asked walking to it.

"Psh...no." He said. I starting smacking his butt with it.

"OW MY TOOSH STOP STOP IT STOP STOP STOOOOP!" He said grabbing it. He tried to break it like I did.

"Ha! Thats so fun! Now i know why the old man was doing it! Its so fun smacking people with a cane! Its a weapon and something to help you walk!" I said excited. Everyone starred at me. I frowned. They all laughed.

"Just break!" Harry said trying to break it.

"Here." I said grabbing it and walked over to the window. I opened it and threw it out there. OH SHITTLES A GUYS RIGHT THERE. OUCH IT HIT HIM.

"WHAT THE HELL OW!" He said looking up. I closed the windows and the curtains as fast as I could.

"If that happened to me I would think god was trying to tell me that I need to walk better." Niall said.

"Niall theres so many things wrong with you." I said.

"Thanks Betty, that felt nice." He said. They all laughed. Wow what a name.

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now