Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen

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I sat in my quarters as the fire crackled on. The wooden floorboards creaked every so often. The wool sheets elegantly hovering ovee the giant bed. The room alit with an orange hue from the candles and fire.

I was reading a scripture from my father about the secrets of the lost lands and armies. It was describing the meaning of the lost lands. It had a name once...a name that i think fits.


I heard footsteps creak in the room and turned around to be met with Sansa. Sansa stood in an elegant white night gown. It intensified her beauty in my eyes.

"Why hello gorgeous," i said turning towards her with a small smile on my face.  A faint tint of pink coated her cheeks as she looked down a bit, before looking back at me with a new vigor.

"So pray tell do you have with a Targaryen ?," she asked.

I stood up and walked to Sansa. My heavy footsteps raked the room as i towered over Sansa's jealous figure. I held up her chin to look into my eyes.

"Don't worry my sweet Sansa, it's about my kingdom," i said "No funny business."

"Good," she said huskly. Slowly, i leaned in and gave her a sweet tender kiss. She kissed back and ignited a heated session. Sansa seperated from the kiss and pushed me slowly onto the bed. As my body laid there, Sansa stepped back and slowly unveiled her night gown. Revealing her beautiful body to me.

"A little...parting gift," Sansa said smirking at me. "For i hear...that Daenerys's beauty is almost impeccable. Let me prove to you why that's false."

I grinned back. Partaking in a long night of fun.


The waves crashed against each other and the breezy air flowing around my skin. The feeling sent a cool sensation around my exposed arms and face. I didn't mind it.

My feet slammed into the sand as i stood next to Jon and Ser Davos. I walked with Stormbreaker tightly in my grasp. A dwarf man stood with a light skinned woman by his side. Dothraki men littered the beach, watching us with "intimidating" faces.  I gave them one back making some of them flinch. A smile spread across my face at that.

While Jon, Ser Davos and the Dwarf named Tyrion talked. I caught the eyes of the light brown woman. Her eyes held a peculiar sense. Studying my figure. It wasn't scrutiny but curiosity rather.

"Tyrion Lannister," the Dwarf introduced, sticking his hand out to me.

"(Y/N) (L/N) King of the lost lands," i said. The dwarf looked taken aback by what i said.

"King of the lost lands you said ?," he uttered

"Yes and their armies," i confirmed. Amused to the core. It was obvious he was amazed and yet fearful. I see the legend gives us justice.

"Yes well....Missandei is the queens most trusted advisor."

Taking this as her cue with a nod and a smile she began to talk.

"Welcome to Dragonstone," she began "Our queen knows this is a long journey and she appreciates the efforts you made on her behalf...if you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons."

A Dothraki man came up to me, sizing me up. He reached for Stormbreaker but i moved it out of his reach. Instantly, four men cane up threateningly. I knew that causing trouble would affect our mission so i looked at the Dothraki man who had a cocky smirk on his face. I put Stormbreaker in his hand. However, once my hand let go of my battle axe, the man fell in a heap causing me to laugh.

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