Please Say Yes (Jaemin)

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Monday morning and here I am rushing to get everything in order. The time reads 6:45 am; if I don't hurry I'll be late. I rush to the bathroom to take a quick shower, after finishing I put on my uniform and brush my teeth. 6:55 am, 5 more minutes, he'll be here in 5 more minutes dammit!

Ding dong! I hear the bell go. What? Why's he early?! He did this on purpose! He knows I'm never on time.

Mom: Y/N! Honey, Jaemin's here.

Y/N: I'm coming mom!

I check myself in the mirror to make sure everything's in order. Shower? Check. Uniform? Check. Teeth? Check. Hair? Check. Okay, I think I'm ready. I grab my bag from the couch and head downstairs where I am greeted by a smiling Jaemin who's trying to butter up my mom... again.

You'd think she'd be used to this by now but nope, she still blushes like a high school that just got told she was pretty by her crush. Okay, that sounds wrong, stop mind, that's your mom!

Mom: Oh, you're here! Here's your breakfast.

Mom set out a plate of pancakes and berries in front of me as I took a seat on the table. Jaemin finally decided to notice me and gave me a good morning smile to which I frowned and began eating my pancakes. They taste so good!

Y/N: Thanks mom!

I got up to put my plate in the sink; I quickly washed it and put it in the drying rack. After doing that I walked towards the door while Jaemin followed behind. We both said by to my mom and began our walk to school.

Jaemin: You know, you cloud try waking up earlier instead of staying up all night talking to your online friends.

Y/N: You will never understand the struggle of time zones so don't judge me.

Jaemin looks at me and laughs; he always does whenever I bring up time zones into the conversation. I know he doesn't judge me for anything, I just like teasing him.

Jaemin: As you wish princess, just saying, it wouldn't kill you to wake up just a little bit early.

Y/N: And it wouldn't kill you to come just a little bit late. *I retorted*

Jaemin: Oof, I think it might just... Not being able to see that beautiful face any more than I already do might just be the death of me.

I look at him to see his expression right now. He has a pout on which immediately tells me he's teasing me. I push him to the side and laugh with him after.

Y/N: Yah, you need to stop teasing me so much, people might take it the wrong way.

We finally arrived at school; everyone looks busy trying to get to their class on time. I didn't know why though, I mean it was only 7:20am, school doesn't start for another 10 minutes.

Jaemin: Then let them.

He said that as he gave me a quick hug and ran off to his class.

Jaemin: See you at break princess!

Y/N: You need to stop Fish Boy!

I secretly smiled to myself before walking towards my class. Class moved pretty quickly and soon it was break time.

The cafeteria was bustling with all the students trying to get their food and finish it before the bell rings. I was the same as I rushed to get my food and finally sat on my usual table. Soon enough everyone else joined me on the table.

Jeno: How're you always the first to get here?

Jaemin: Because nothing and no one can get between her and her love for food.

Y/N: That and the teacher let us out early today.

We all laughed and continued eating. That's how our break went by, with Rose and Lisa having their own inside jokes, Haechan and Mark fighting, Jeno and Jisoo and being the special couple they are and Jaemin and me going at loggerheads again. Soon the bell rang and everyone went back to class.

Jaemin: See you after school princess, try not to be late. *ruffles hair*

Y/N: Yah, stop it! I'll try not to be.

We had a few more classes before it was home time. I quickly packed up my bag and ran to the front gate. When I got there I saw that Jaemin was already there.

Y/N: Not fair! Your class is closer to the gate than mine. *whining*

Jaemin laughed and ruffled my hair. He finds this amusing, doesn't he?

Jaemin: You're so cute when you pout.

Y/N: Stop it, let's go already.

I start walking away from the school but Jaemin grabs me by the arm and pulls me back to stand in front of him.

Jaemin: I have something for you.

Y/N: Really? What is it?

Jaemin brings out a bouquet from behind his back and presents it to me. Now this wasn't any ordinary bouquet, it was a bouquet made of entirely chocolate! This guy really knows exactly what I want. I quickly free him of the bouquet and he laughs as I admire its beauty. One question pops up into my mind.

Y/N: What's the occasion though?

I tried remembering anything that I might have done which would reward me such a bouquet but nothing came to mind. I look up at Jaemin and his face starts going a bit red.

Y/N: Are you blushing? *amused*

Now I'm really curious. Jaemin rarely gets embarrassed so seeing him like this makes me giggle. I try to control it but it forces its way out of me which causes Jaemin to look up at me. He looks a bit flustered which just makes him look cuter right now.

He takes my free hand into his and interlocks them which made me stop laughing. I look up to see his expression and he's still red but he looks more determined than before.

Jaemin: Y/F/N, will you be my girlfriend?

Everything stops; I can tell that he's serious. My heart pounds inside my chest so hard that it might burst. My face starts to feel hot and I can tell there's a blush forming on the apples of my cheeks. Jaemin squeezes my hand.

Jaemin: Please say yes.

He flashes a nervous smile and my senses finally come back to me. This boy is my best friend and yes, while I am scared of losing that special bond with him, I'm more scared of one day regretting saying no.

Y/N: Yes.

The moment I said this Jaemin pulled me into a tight huge careful not to ruin the bouquet. I smile while breathing in his scent and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside me. His arms around my waist feel tight and secure, his scent smells refreshing and his embrace feels like home.

The End.

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