Although You May Be By Yourself, You Are Not Alone

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 It's really late at night. Like, REALLY late. As in it's not even night anymore, it's 3 A.M. But you don't care! It's the weekend!

And you're here to get your fix for scares, aren't you? You smile, because that is exactly what you're here for.

So you're just chilling in your bed, wondering when the point of this story is going to show up. It's all dark around you, with the exception of the screen that you're reading this off of. Hell, even that isn't very bright, since you turned the brightness down to better suit your nocturnal eyes.

You're all alone in your room. Or so you think.

You probably looked around briefly to double check that you were alone after reading that sentence. You then smile and chuckle with a sense of reprimanding yourself for being so foolish.

But then you hear a tap at your window and realize that there may just be a small kernel of truth in my words.

You look, squinting your eyes to see better. The streetlight outside your window reveals it to be only the branches of an old tree, swaying with the wind and tapping against your window. You smile, knowing that you're just fine.

But then you feel something breathing right into the side of your face.

You smile at those last words and shake your head. "That's only a slight breeze from the AC. The writer's just pulling my leg!," you think to yourself. And yes, I have been pulling your leg quite a bit.

But then you feel the empty side of your bed shift downward as the weight of something renders it no longer empty. You look to your right to see that a tall, black figure is now in bed next to you. It is entirely black, except for a wide smile filled with pointed teeth and two red eyes. It kind of looks like Nergal from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy".

It's lying in a "draw me like one of your French girls" pose and winks at you.

Although You May Be By Yourself, You Are Not AloneWhere stories live. Discover now