16. Max Verstappen

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"Oh don't mind me, just enjoying the view"

Being Max's best friend sometimes had its perks. The friends you've made, the experiences you have gained and the respect you've got towards him and how he's become such an icon.
Yet some times, it had its downfalls.
With Max gone a lot, well, most of the year, you always miss his company.
Whether it be his dorky laugh, or his annoying, but cute ways of bothering you, all you want is for max to be around more often. You've come to terms with yourself about your crush on max, telling yourself that you can't be with him because he's your best friend, but you just continue to hope that max has that small feeling of something more too.
Speaking of Max, your phone begins to ring, the tune of the device bringing you back to reality. Seeing his name on the screen you smile and answer the call

"I have a free week next week, I'll be coming home!" Max said through the phone, speaking before you could even get a hello to him.
"That's great! I've missed you around" you said, going to sit on your bed
"I'm flying back from Melbourne tonight, I say tonight, I really mean I'm heading to the airport now" he said, laughing
"Of course you are max, typical you" you replied to him, shaking your head and smiling at how dorky max can be sometimes
"Pick me up from the airport? Pleaseeeee" max begged, you could just imagine him giving you the puppy dog eyes over the phone as he said it
"Fine. Just text me when you land and I'll be there okay?" You said. Luckily the airport was only a short ride away from your flat, so getting to max was easy enough.
"Thank youuuuu!" He sung "anyways, I better get going, I'm kinda late!"
"Okay Max! Have a safe flight, I'll see you soon" you say
"Okay bye!" Max said, out of breath. The dork was clearly running to catch his plane.
You hung up the call and crawled into the comfort of your bed, not wanting to move for the rest of the night.

The time come pretty quickly for when you had to go and meet max at the airport, he texted you about 10 minutes ago to say he had landed. You chuck on a jacket and head towards your car, heart beating faster because you are excited to see max after he's been away for weeks.

As you approach the airport, the sound of ringing echoes around the interior of your car, it's max calling again. You answer, with Max's voice coming through your car speakers
"I'm almost at the end of the pick up point, 2nd lane! Where are you?"
"I'm just coming up to you now, did you say lane 2?" You replied
"Yes! I'll wave when I see you bye"
The call ends and you continue towards to airports pick up area. Entering through the Barriers, you then continue to drive forward, until you spot the Dutch you was looking for. It's not to hard to miss him, he's wearing his red bull cap and waving like a complete idiot when he sees your car approach him.
You pull over, making sure your car  boot is unlocked and jump out the car.
You don't even have time to make it to the pavement before max engulfs you into a hug
"I've missed you! I really wished you could have come with me" he says, unwrapping his arms and walking back to the pavement, where both his blue suitcase stand.
"I've missed you too max, I wish I could of too, I miss everyone! But I saw you on tv, and plus, I'm coming to Baku with you next" you say, opening up the boot for max to place his luggage in.
"I can't wait for Baku, it's my second favourite track, and I've got you coming out and my mother and sister are flying in on Saturday to watch me race on Sunday"
Max says, smiling brightly and jumping in the passenger seat of your car.
"I haven't seen your mum and Victoria in ages, it will be nice to see them and spend some time together!"

Back on the road again, this time heading towards your local bar/restaurant where you and max always used to eat. You thought he could do with some food having just landed and you also wanted to spend time with him since he was back.
With the radio on, you happily sing along. As you start to get into the song you can end up at a red light.
Turning around to glance at max, you see he's just staring at you, smiling wide. It's not a hard stare, but more of a soft adoring kind of look. The kind of look that automatically gives you butterflies.
"What?" You ask him confused
"Oh nothing, don't mind me, Just enjoying the view" he says continuing to look at you.
You blush, the way max looked at you and said that made you feel giddy. He probably didn't mean it the way you took the compliment, so you quickly looked down and tried to hide the rosiness on your cheeks. Max speaks again though, noticing the small blush appearing and using it as an excuse to keep talking to you. Him talking makes you look up at him again
"I really did miss being with you, I just feel at home when I'm in your presence. It feels so good to be back, with you, in my home town. It's got to be my favourite place in the world, maybe even more than being on track."
You continue to listen to him, talking about how he missed you. You had to break eye contact as he was talking, only to keep your eyes on the on the road, but you continue to make quick glances towards him as you drive.
"I just want you to be where I am all the time, or at least most of the time, but I want more than just my best friend by my side, I feel it too, you know. How close we have gotten lately, the feeling of wanting something more"
He stops talking, almost as if he knew you'd be stationary by the time he finished talking.
You'd reached the restaurant, and now you was looking at max, his eyes bright, looking into yours waiting for you to say something
"How did you know, I mean, how do you know that I feel the same" you say, heart once again pounding. This time not with excitement, but with nerves.
"I catch you looking at me, the way you blush when I give you a compliment. It's little things that you never used to do around me before." He says to you, reaching over to grab your hand that was placed on the steering wheel.
When max grabs your hand, you feel like your heart isn't even in your chest anymore, and your stomach has not a few butterflies, but more like a whole zoo inside.
You look up to him again, and smile. You don't have the words to say to max, but he knows how you feel.
"I like you. More than I ever thought I would, and seeing you after these few weeks away I realised that you are the only reason I get excited to come home for, or how I get excited to see you whenever you come to support me. I only want you to cheer me on, just like you always have. And if you let me, I can support you, as a lover and a best friend. I want you to be my girlfriend"

Oof, so I realised this was going on for so long! So this is kind of a cliffhanger, I'm gonna let you guys as the readers imagine what happens next! But another request from Killer_Elite_SquadX xx

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