Dance club

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A few months later after the funeral i was preparing myself to go to the dance practice as always but i was hyped up for no reason. I had the greatest feeling within me it was almost like a bubble of joy popped inside of me . I walked to the clubhouse not far from where i lived . Walking past my neighbors greeting them with a non average smile . I was happy for no reason. I arrived at the club met my dance mates and they were all like "why do you look so happy today , who excited you to the point that you even sang ?" I was always someone who laughed with everyone. I didn't know how to answer them because I didn't know either . I got into my dancing attire and prepared myself for a hot stimulating practice. " Are you all in here we are about to start !!" My coach exclaimed and i ran to the practice room hoping that I don't get punished. Luckily i wasn't. Before we could start i saw someone passing on the window , on her way to the changing room . I thought i saw someone I wasn't expecting to see . Only for her to knock in the practice room to confirm my suspicions. It was Jhene . My heart started pounding as i asked myself what she was doing there clothed in her practice attired . -Did she come to join us- .. I thought to myself. I couldn't stop staring at her wondering what would happen if we were looked in the same room for a week . She was so hot I couldn't help but drool !! "I came to join this club " she told the coach , and her joining forms were sorted by our dance committee. I wish i could dance with her for the day . Will she agree though ? Wait what if i slip my hand to her ass ? I softly giggled without anyone noticing. "And the practice starts now . Pair yourself cause we are about to samba for the day " coach Peter said checking if we were paring up . I was shy so i chose someone else . She was dancing Gift when i was stealing her with eyes . The way she locomoted her body almost made me feel like i was wet . Everything about her was just in place and perfectly structured. She was the type of people you'd say that God took their time to make them . The person i was dancing with realised how much i was looking at Jhene . " Yeey wena snap out of it " we both laughed as she said . OMG i was caught .


I saw her drinking water at the tap , bent down to reach it and her back nicely ached - damn girl why did you have to be so pretty and have a fine ass-

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