As we said our goodbyes to the children we entered our van, with PB&J in hand. We began our journey to the Lion Park outside of Joberg. When we arrived I didn't know what to expect. Ruth had told us that we'd be playing with baby lion cubs and cheetahs and I was brimming with confidence in the van. That confidence quickly subsided within me as we walked into the cheetah enclosure and we were face to face with a full-grown cheetah. She showed little interest in us when we first entered, but as time passed she came up and nuzzled us a few times. I wasn't as brave as everyone else to take a picture or selfie with it.

     After our time in the cheetah pen had concluded, we entered into a caged truck with a guide and made out way out into the African savannah! We drove into the gated lion enclosure and I kept looking over my shoulder trying my best to spy some ...

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     After our time in the cheetah pen had concluded, we entered into a caged truck with a guide and made out way out into the African savannah! We drove into the gated lion enclosure and I kept looking over my shoulder trying my best to spy some lions before they spotted us. Then before we knew it we were face to face with a huge male and its pride. The lion didn't take kindly to us cruising up and parking right next to them, so he let out a roar that made your bones shiver and your muscles clench up. I dropped immediately in my seat after hearing it.

     Next, our guide took us into the wild dog enclose and a pack of them started following us

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     Next, our guide took us into the wild dog enclose and a pack of them started following us. That is when the driver said,

     "Unlike lions, leopards, and cheetahs; wild dogs don't suffocate their prey, no, they disembowel their prey and eat it alive from the inside out."

     Which led me to reply, "Oh, fun!"

     Upon exiting the wild dog enclosure and some of them tried to follow us out except an employee with a big wooden stick was making noise by smacking it against a metal pole to keep them back. I would not like to have his job.

     Upon returning, we then made our way to the baby lion enclosure. That is when we met two lion cubs who were named "Beyoncé" and "Jay-z". Again, everyone held them except me. I regret not participating but, maybe next time in Africa? Moments into getting a photoshoot with Taylor, the lion cub she was holding gained a sudden interest in her blonde hair and went fangs first into her hair which then collided with on her arm. Now Taylor has an unbelievable story about how she bitten by a lion in Africa.

      After we petted the lions one last time, we then went through the 5 gift shops the park set up on the way out, where we bought souvenirs for our family and friends back home

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      After we petted the lions one last time, we then went through the 5 gift shops the park set up on the way out, where we bought souvenirs for our family and friends back home. The drive home consisted of us listening to the lion king soundtrack as we witness an spectacular African sunset, we all then began our best to sing,

     "Nants ingonyama bagithi baba."

     "Sithi uhm ingonyama!"

     Again our God is showing how amazing He is through his creation. I cannot wait to see what He has planned for tomorrow and the next adventure that awaits our group.

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