Oasis of Ice | AU

Start from the beginning

Violet chuckled as she picked up the bucket and brought it over to Omar.


The winter was a harsh one, snow piled over the picnic tables and couches. Meals were had inside and except to perform their duties or have some fun, the citizens of Texas Two rarely went out. Violet had been true to her word and taught AJ how to build a snow man and even orchestrated a school wide snow ball fight. The victory went to Violet and her team, of course.

"I'm starting to like the Winter." Clementine admitted, wrapping an arm around Violet's waist, nuzzling into her back as they laid together in Violet's dorm bed.

Violet grinned, pulling the blanket up around their shoulders, "Oh yeah? How come?"

"Sharing body heat of course." Clementine mumbled into Violet's neck.

"We can share body heat any time of the year," Violet scooted back in the bed until her body was flushed with Clementine's.

"I told it to AJ and I'll tell it to you, I do not snuggle in the Summer." Clementine chuckled.

Violet rolled onto her back so she could look Clementine in the face, "No Summer cuddles?" She pouted at the brunette girl.

"No, it's too hot for cuddling." Clementine giggled at Violet's pouty face.

"You don't want to get hot with me?" Violet leaned over capturing Clementine's lips. Clementine kissed back eagerly, trailing after Violet's lips as she pulled away. "Come on, I have something planned for you and AJ today." Violet got up from the bed, stretching.

"You're just going to tease me like that and then leave?" It was Clementine's turn to pout as Violet changed out of her pajamas and into her jeans.

"I want you to come with me." Violet smirked at the brunette, still wrapped up in the well worn blanket.

"You know what I meant." Clementine sat up and threw her pillow at Violet, hitting her in the face. The look of surprise Violet made sent Clementine into a wave of laughter. Violet growled in mock anger and tackled Clementine back onto the bed, pinning her down and tickling her mercilessly.

"Laugh at me?" Violet raised an eyebrow, Clementine laughed so hard that tears began to form at the corner of her eyes. "This'll teach you to laugh at me."

"I-I'm...s-sorry!" Clementine stuttered out between fits of unwilling laughter. "P-please!"

Violet tickled for another few seconds before letting up, tears now streaming down her girlfriend's cheeks. Violet stayed poised over her for a few moments, watching as Clementine took deep shuttering breaths trying to regain her composure, her chest heaving to collect the oxygen it lacked. Violet leaned down to press her lips against Clementine's only to connect with her cheek as she turned her head.

"Uh-uh, no rewards for tickling." Clementine slipped out from underneath Violet and got out of bed, leaving a frowning Violet behind. She hopped over to her desk, removing the sweat pants Violet had found for her, with the help of her desk chair and put on her cargo pants. "So what do you have planned?"

"It's a surprise!" Violet smiled, handing Clementine her crutches and leading her out of the room to get AJ.


The three trudged through the forest off the beaten path. Snow everywhere. Clementine's crutches kept getting stuck in the brambles and underbrush but she didn't complain. She didn't want Violet to think that she didn't appreciate the gesture and she didn't want to look incapable just because she was missing a foot.

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