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Ambers pov

Shit, now what the fuck do I do?!  I thought to myself angerily,  I thrash around trying to get out of the chains, David just laughs crudely. "That isn't going to work hun" he says with a smirk. He walks over to the closet with his 'toys', he grabs a metal rod, and walks over to the branding station, he put's the rod into the coal's and wait's intill the rod is a bright red. He walks over to me with a sadistic smile, "Remeber this?" he ask me as he laughs darkly. he holds the burning hot rod by my arm, I can feel the heat flowing off of it, I move away as far as the chains will let me. David laughs as he presses the rod on my arm, a scream of pain escapes my lips as the rod burns my skin, the smell of burning fleash fill's my nose. Tears are running down my face as I yell "I fucking hate you, you fucking monster!!!!!" through all of the pain I was in, god its hurts so fucking bad. David just smirks as I thrash around trying to get the heat off my arm, "Aw, do you not like my game?" he coos darkly. I just glare at him, the pain has stopped by now, he takes the rod off my arm and walks back over to the closet. I close my eyes and imagine that my arm is fully healed, flames seap out of the wound as it heals. David looks back at me and sees that my arm is fully healed, "Did you not like my work hun?" he says with a smirk, I just glare at him.  

He grabs a dagger, and he walks over to me, tracing it along my jaw, and all the way down to my chest, I squerm at the feeling, he chuckles. When he gets to my collar bone he stops and digs the tip of the dagger into my skin, I yelp in pain as blood slowly drips from the cut,and down my chest, he slowly drags it down my collar bone. Tears are pircing my eyes as I try to not let them spill, Don't let him see that he's hurting you, do. not. cry.  I think to myself in my head. He looks at me, "Aw, look at you, you're trying to act like you dont feel the pain" he laughs as he takes the blade off of my collar bone and stabs it into my leg, I screach in pure pain, he smirks at the sound of my screams bouncing off the stone walls. He twist the blade in my leg, "Fuck you" I spit like its venom in my mouth, blood is pouring out of my leg, it starts to heal like before, but quicker, then I feel a fist to my face, then another to my side, he just keeps hitting me, over, and over again. I cough up blood, my side feels like its on fire, I feel something snap inside of me, and then a dark bone chilling chuckle ecscapes my mouth, as my eyes turn a flaming orange, "Is that all you got bitch?" I sneer at him, still chuckling, "cause its gonna take more then your weak ass to kill me!" I yell with venom. My wounds heal on their own, and I burst out of the chains in a pure rage, I wrap him up in a chain made of fire burning him, and lift him up. I can smell the fear on him, the smell of burning fleash fill my nose, and I laugh as I hear his screams of pain, "You hurt me once, I'll kill ya twice, and you sir, have hurt me a lot" I constiret the chain around him, I make the chain of fire burn brighter, and hotter, its heat reaching 9.9 trillion degrees fehreheit. Then he turns to ashes, I put my hands down and the chain dissapers. "That's what you get you bastered"

I walk out of the house, as it catches fire, I take the neckless he gave me and threw it into the fire.  Theres a speacil place in hell for you. I think as I turn away from the burning house and run into the forest, away from my past, away from the murder, and away from hell.

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