Chapter 1: Gothic Prime

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It's always been a cloudy day in the vast city of Gothic Prime. At least that's what the Mayor always says in most of his speeches. Gothic Prime was a vast metropolitan city that could've honestly won the 'Creepiest Looking City' award year after year, but nevertheless it wouldn't happen if the national inspectors didn't even come to inspect the very city. Having heard tales of the ugly truth that hides behind the city's already grim facade. 

The urban area is a combination of old buildings and sometimes even new ones, such as the tallest one. A complex belonging to the Police Force, a towering beacon of justice for the city. A warning to the already powerful Mafia to stay in their rightful place.

A show of power hides many things, including the deep corruption in place by the various Mafia families.

The Ashford family that specializes in illegal weapon distribution, in fact provides the police force with many of their dirty manufactured or bought firearms. The (L/N) family, responsible for approximately 99.2% of alcohol and drug distribution, notorious for their brutality and ruthlessness in their field, 'investigated' for the murder of officers that came too close to discovering their connection with the rise of illegal alcohol. Plus many other criminal cells, mostly smaller but nevertheless still there. Plaguing the city and driving it deeper into yet another cloudy day, with much more to come.


A small drizzle befell the city of Gothic Prime in the waning hours of the day, a dishevelled man ran through the almost empty streets, save for the occasional passerby and car that provided only a small and temporary sense of security in such a darkened town. He clutched in his hand a small envelope. Which he had stolen from a small deal taking place in one of the city's various shifty alleyways. Accidentally killing the buyer in the process, but he never suspected the dealer himself, who had worn a fashionable suit and a bowler hat to pull out a pistol and start shooting at him. Which is then he realized that the dealer was a lackey of the dreaded and dangerous (L/N) family. He tried to cover the wound on the side of his stomach while his feet repeatedly smacked against the wet concrete of the sidewalk, trying to also conceal it from people passing by.

Eventually he turned a corner and came face to face with another suited man... or not much of a man, more so a boy, his cold (e/c) eyes studied him closely. His face showed no trace of mercy. His red tie glistened in the stray drops of rain as another suited boy about his age held his umbrella for him, a Tommy Gun was slung on his shoulder. A cigar illuminated (Y/N)'s ruthless glare as the man felt weak just standing in front of him.

(Y/N): "I hear you're the little piece o' shit who just robbed us of a 5,000 dollar deal..."

He said, the man backed up, only to find himself bumping into the other man whom he was running from.

Lackey: "Try to run and you're dead."

(Y/N): "Boy's let's take this shrimp on a little walk downtown."

He snapped, taking the umbrella from his best friend. Albert Gruber.

Albert: "Gladly."

The brown haired boy and the older man grabbed the robber as (Y/N) let his group all the way down to a famous Jazz Bar he liked called The Wilted Rose. On the way there (Y/N) stirred up a conversation with the man who had tried to rob them.

(Y/N): "Why did you try and rob us?"

He asked without turning, continuing to walk as his two underlings held he man by his jacket tightly. The petty crook saw no chance of escape in this hopeless situation.

How Mafia Works (Male Gangster Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें