** 💙♡ Lylah Meridian ♡💙 **

Start from the beginning

He smiled and said no more pouting, you're now fully protected for the next two years. She got up as the Alpha came in the room. She headed to get changed then headed home.

As she was leaving, she bumped into a group of males walking in the front door. She grunted and slipped through them snorting at their scents. Next Alpha Larry yelled what's up Lylah? She yelled back stinky males, yuk then she ran. He really would have shifted and chased her but the pack Warriors held him back from following her.

It wasn't until the visitors left months later that Lylah was actually initiated into the pack. It was because of Larry that it happened as he repeatedly tried to mind link her and learned she hadn't been initiated and spoke to his dad.


Larry was constantly just drooling over Lylah. He had a mad crush on her, but she basically ignored all males. He watched her constantly as she definitely wasn't like any other pack female.

She never dated, never went to any parties and spent most of her time on her own. First off, she had no money to splurge on things like new clothes. Certain pack bitches had money to burn though from who knows where and always wore new spiffy, and sluttier clothes than others.

A year to the day she entered the infirmary again and rolled her eyes at Dr Hershey and she said time for a check up. He growled. She laughed and said birth control for a year, a shot to stop a heat just in case and two booster shots for my wolf, please and thank you Doctor.

He grunted and handed her a gown then asked why? She snarled and said stupid pack bitches in school are deliberately stirring up the males.

He growled what, who? She named names and said be ready as those bitches are planning and scheming. He asked what are they planning?

She huffed and said I heard words of them planning on buying then using drugs they just learned about. No male is freaking safe with them on the loose with drugs. I don't have a clue where they get all their money from to burn.

Larry stood in the doorway and mind linked his dad hearing Lylah. She took the gown and soon was injected and knocked out for a full exam. Her blood was tested and all her updated shots given as she was absolutely pure blooded and innocent.

Luna Bella entered the exam room to witness the exam was done. Dr Hershey grunted and said Lylah came to me for the first time when she was 10. I've never had to request her picked up and brought in. I have injected her each time after she was moved to a group home after her parents split and left her behind.

Luna Bella said interesting because I've heard lies then if she's innocent. Dr Hershey huffed and said all lies then as Lylah is not like the other pack females. She's pure blooded and innocent, hymen still intact.


Lylah was woken and she went to dress then Dr Hershey said the Alpha has been alerted to the scheming bitches Lylah, you stay far away from them. She laughed and said I smell them coming and get far away already, no need to warn me Doctor.

She walked out and groaned as Larry quickly had her over his shoulder and ran with her. He groaned as he set her down before he could get her out the door being ordered by his dad seeing them.

Larry said come on dad I wanted to run with her wolf. She rarely lets her wolf out. Lylah looked at Alpha Craig who grunted and said fine, just running. He linked his son and said nothing but running as she is not your true mate.

She spun as Warriors were coming inside dragging the guilty, scheming and lying bitches who were heard by all complaining and arguing that they weren't doing anything wrong.

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