Chapter 11

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I will start off were Yaoifreak1435464 left off.


I woke up to the twins throwing water at me. "Fred! George! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as I jump up off my nice warm bed. "It was his idea," the both shout pointing at each other. "I don't care who's Idea it was, I'm still going to kill you," I said in a nice tone. That was how my morning was spent, chasing my two new brothers around Potter manor.

(time skip)

"Minnow! Fred! George!" I herd my dad shout. I run from the Potter library and bump into my mom. "Do you know what Dad wanted to talk to us about?" "Your uncle Hades is here with his daughter. You should go find Fred and George so they can meet her." I nod and run to the twins room. "Bella do you know why dad wants to see us?" they asked. "All mom said was that uncle Hades and his daughter were with him." "Do you know who she is?" "I don't know her but I'm guessing that is because she is in America most of the time."

When we were down the stares I could see dad talking to uncle Hades and a girl in her twenty's. "Minnow, Fred, George, this is Luna, Hades daughter," dad said and Luna gave us a kind smile but her name sounded familiar. She had galaxy colored hair, pale skin, multicolored eyes, black wings, a black tail, black dragon horns, many tattoos all over her body, and goth/punk styled cloths. "Hello Luna, my name is Bella and these are the twins Fred and George," I said and we all shook hands. "It's nice to meet you all," she said. "Well Minnow, Hades, your mother, and I have some business to attend to so we will be by later," dad said. "Astéri when I get back we can go back to Olympus," Hades said and she nodded. "Of course father."

When they left Fred and George looked over at Luna. "So Luna how old are you and what is your full name?" "My full name is Luna 'Moon' Nyx Nightshade and I'm 29," she said and I realized where I knew her from. "Your the champion of the Olympians and most of the minor gods!" "Yes I am." "Who?" the twins asked. "She is the champion of the gods which includes the mom and dad." The twins nodded still confused. "Why don't you invite your friends and then I can teach you all more about Greek mythology. I flew call Draco, Victor,  and Marcus. They all said they would be over in a few minutes. Victor was the first to get here and Draco and Marcus came together. "Guys this is Luna my cousin, Luna this Draco Malfoy, Marcus Flint, and Victor Krum my boyfriend."

After the introductions Luna told us all about Greek mythology, but the things that stuck out the most was about the war that my parents had to give me to the Potters. Also the fact that see is a demigod or former demigod. "Can you tell me more about the war?" I asked and she nodded. "The year you were born was my first summer at the demigod camp. Kronos was on the rise and the gods knew that. Zeus ordered that any god or goddess with a full godly child be given away. You were one of them. I felt so bad for Artemis because she wanted thousands of years for a child and when she got the child she wanted she had to give her away. The next summer the great prophecy was given and that proved that Kronos coming for Olympus." "What did the prophecy say?" Draco asked. "A daughter of the eldest god, Shall reach 19 against all odds, And see the Titans rise again. The king's soul, the cursed blade shall reap, A single choice shall end her days, Olympus to Preserve or fall"  When your mother found out she was glad but sad that she had to give you away. She was glad because she didn't want you to be in the middle of fighting, but still sad that she had to give you away. Your father on the other hand had to act as if nothing was wrong, since he had a kingdom to run." "Didn't he have a son to do that for him if he was grieving?" Victor asked from his spot next to me. "Triton my be his hair but he held a grudge against Poseidon for breaking things off with Amphitrite his first wife," she said and I nodded. "didn't you say that I had another half sibling?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes Wade and Pearl Barton. Wade and Pearl were demigods. Pearl joined the hunters and Wade stayed at camp were he meet his boyfriend." "Why do the gods and goddess' cheat on each other?" Marcus asked. "When the gods feel like a war will happen soon they have to cheat. By ancient law the gods can't fight the Titans, so they have to cheat. Poseidon never wanted to but he had to because the more powerful the demigod, the more likely they are to win. My father was like that but he also loved my mother. After I killed Kronos, Zeus told Poseidon and Artemis to find you. You should know the rest of the story Bella."

(Time skip)

When mom, dad, and uncle Hades came back Hades and Luna said goodbye before they left so did Draco, Marcus, and Victor. "So what did you all do while we were gone?" mom asked. "Luna told us all about Greek mythology," the twins said and they nodded. "Did she tell you about the war?" dad asked. "Yes she did tell us about the war," I said and they walked over and hugged us. "We just hope that you don't have to go threw war like Moon did," mom said. "How did she get all of those tattoos and scars?" George asked. "The tattoos are from her mother and some of her powers. The scars are from Titans and other monsters from Greek mythology," mom said. "This may sound weird but she had a weird habit of trying to keep her hands covered," I said and the twins nodded. "That is because she had a cures placed on her that shows on her hands and probably the fact that she is slightly insane," dad said. The twins and I look at him weird. "She did survive Tartarus," mom told us and we nod, "You guys should get to bed it's late." I walk to my room and lay down falling asleep instantly.


I will try and update as much as possible but I have other story's to write. Again chapters 1-10 are on Yaoifreak1435464 profile. Luna is from my other stories just so you know. Bye!!!


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