Chapter 1: 6th grade

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It all started in 6th grade ..

August 24, 2016

It was the beginning of school I had just moved and I didn't really know anyone I met a really cool group and they sorta took me in but someone stood out a girl she was tall and slim and funny I had her in almost every class except for one
She seemed to be friends with everyone and was extremely nice
Her name was Elizabeth

You see I'm not the type of person to introduce myself to people I decided to wait and turned out we had a lot in common and we started building a relationship over time-WAIT
I forgot to mention my names jo I'm sort of the story teller I guess you can say . Anyways .
Our relationship began to grow and we became really close !
And I'm really glad I meet a really good friend that day ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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