
There it was again. Rosemary turned around again and froze once she saw Lucy pushing past people in an attempt to get to her. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening before Lucy was throwing her stuff on the ground and jumping into the girl's arms.

Rosemary's eyes filled with tears as she whispered, "Lu?" "It's me," Lucy assured her as she held onto her. A few tears fell and Rosemary was quick to wrap her arms tightly around the little girl.

"Oh my gosh," Rosemary muttered in disbelief as she held onto Lucy. There was no way. She had to be hallucinating.

Lucy eventually pulled away and smiled as she wiped away Rosemary's tears. "You can't be here," Rosemary whispered. "You're supposed to be in Finchley." "I'm here," Lucy assured her. "We all are."

Rosemary couldn't stop the grin that was on her face and she hugged Lucy again. Lucy let out a laugh and hugged the girl back before Rosemary set her back down on the ground.

"I've missed you so much," Rosemary told her. "I've missed you too. We all have. Especially Edmund," Lucy said. Rosemary froze at that as she realized that the others were here as well. Susan. Peter. Edmund. They were all here.

Rosemary opened her mouth to question the girl, but Lucy was quick to change the subject. "I've got to go find Susan. Peter's gotten into another one of his fights. Please say you'll come with me," Lucy said as she grabbed onto the girl's hand and tugged it slightly.

Rosemary glanced at the station's clock which said she still had a good half hour before her train would arrive before she looked down at Lucy she was giving her a pleading look. "Of course I'll come," Rosemary told her.

Lucy grinned. "Great," she said as she picked up her suitcase. "Follow me." Rosemary nodded and grabbed her things as well before hurrying after Lucy.

The two made their way out of the station and into the street. Lucy wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran out into the middle of the street only to have a car honk at her.

Rosemary was quick to run out and put herself in between Lucy and the car while the car came to a stop. "Watch yourself, love!" the man driving the car exclaimed. "Sorry," Lucy told him before she grabbed Rosemary's hand and continued dragging her through the street.

Lucy pulled her along until Rosemary caught sight of Susan talking to a boy at a newspaper stand. Susan looked rather bored and uninterested and Rosemary heard her faintly introduce herself as Phillis before Lucy was yelling, "Susan!"

The boy's face dropped and he looked at Susan as Lucy and Rosemary ran up. Susan turned to look at her sister, but froze when she saw her friend. "Rosemary?" She questioned in disbelief. "Susan," Rosemary whispered before the two girls rushed forward and pulled each other in for a hug.

"It's been so long. How are you? You look good!" Susan rambled as the two girls pulled away. Rosemary opened her mouth to respond, but Lucy was quick to cut them off. "As touching as this reunion is, you better come quickly!" Lucy told her.

Susan looked to her sister before nodding and setting the newspaper back down on the stand. She quickly glanced at the boy she had been talking to before the three started running back towards the station.

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