Chapter Two, Akko

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Andrew and I met everyone down in the cafeteria for dinner. Our faces were still little red from the, um, 'incident'. As I went and joined Sucy and Lotte. Sucy looked at my face and smirked.

"So, things get a little spicy with you and your roommate?" Sucy asked with a grin.

"What? NO! Why would you think that?" I replied with a blush. Lotte looked at me with a knowing look.

"It's all over your face, so tell us, who's your roommate?" Lotte asked.

"I'll tell you if you tell me yours," I said with a little confidence that she'd drop it.

"Oh, mine?" She said with a blush, "i-it's Frank." I gaped at her, how in Chariots name did she get paired with the guy she likes? "O-okay! Now that I told you who my roommate tells me who yours is."

I blushed a little thinking of this afternoon "it's Andrew." It was their turn to look at me with shocked faces.

"As in Andrew Hanbridge?" Lotte asked, her mouth wide in shock.

"Yes! Now keep quiet! I don't need the entire female population out for my guts!" I said with a quick look around.

"Why would the entire female population be out for your guts?" a voice asked from behind me. I jumped, startled from the other voice and looked behind me. It was Diana.

"Diana! Why would you scare me like that?!" I shouted.

"Quiet, Akko, we don't need a scene. I just need Sucy and Lotte, they have work to do" I grumbled and said bye to Sucy and Lotte and walked off.


The school had gotten interesting since the boys had been enrolled. I thought back to this afternoon, Andrew was muttering about how he had to talk to a guy who was talking about girls in a "very uncivilized and gross way". I wonder who that was and if Andrew had dealt with it yet. As I was wandering around I bumped into a guy. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" I shouted at the guy.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get your attention. My names Zeak," the guy, who I now know as Zeak, said. Zeak was pretty handsome, he was tall, had red hair, and had deep purple eyes. He wore a red, velvet tux and had his hair pulled back. He looked at me with a faint smile on his lips. "Are you the witch who stopped the missile?" he asked.

"Well, I was one of them, but yeah, I am," I said with a little blush.

"Well, I was wondering if you could show me around? This is my first time here and I am a little confused." I gave him a quick smile and said

"Sure! I can do that." As I started to show Zeak around I spotted Andrew and waved him over. "Andrew! I'm showing this guy around before bed, wanna help me so you know I get there on time?" I asked with a cheeky grin. Andrew looked at Zeak strangely and then gave me a soft, and I mean barely there smile.

"Sure, Miss Kagari. After we show him around we need to tidy our room, ok?" I gave him a weird look, why did he look at Zeak when he said: "our"? I shrugged it off.

"Of course! Just, let's do that in the morning." I replied thinking of all of the work it'd take to set up everything. As we showed Zeak around, Zeak and Andrew kept glaring at each other, I brushed it off as a random guy thing and helped Andrew finish the tour. "Okay! This is our hallway so we're off to bed! I think you'll be able to find your own room by yourself?" I asked hoping he could, all of this walking was starting to make me tired.

"Of course! Will I see you tomorrow?" Zeak asked me with a charming grin.

"Sure! But probably after classes as Andrew says we have to be diligent to get to those on time now" I said with a shrug, "anyway, good night!" I dragged Andrew to our room and shut the door.

"I don't think you should go anywhere with Zeak on your own, Miss Kagari," Andrew said as we grabbed our stuff for bed.

"Why?" I asked as I found my pajama's and ran to the bathroom.

"Because I have heard Zeak say some rather unsavory things about women that I need to go to the school head about," he replied standing outside of the bathroom door waiting for me to change.

"Okay, if you say so. I'll try not to be alone with him."

"Thank you, that makes me feel much better, Miss Kagari," I hear him say with a sigh.

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