Chapter 6

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Danielle's P.O.V.

A week passed and I was ready to find Matt. I had been practicing my powers, teaching myself new things. I have to admit, it was pretty amazing. Through those days I had gotten stronger and more sure of myself and my confidence grew. Time to put my new skills to the test. It was a little difficult but I managed to locate Matt with my telepathy.

'Matt,' I thought. Gazing down at my arm, I saw it glow as I transported myself to him. I looked up and found myself in the middle of what looked like a scientist's lab. A scream tore through the silence. I whirled around and quietly made my way over there. I peeked around the corner and felt my eyes widen dramatically. Well, I found Matt. He was sprawled across the bottom of a weird bubble thing moaning in pain. I turned my eyes to the other occupant in the room. He looked funny and wore a white lab coat. What I was most interested in was that he was holding a strange object with sparks at the end of it.

"Are you ready to do what I ask?" He asked in a deep scratchy voice. Matt weakly raised his head and glared hatefully at the man.

"I'd rather die." He spoke confidently, his voice hoarse from screaming. The man laughed darkly.

"I could make that happen, or, I could do that to your pretty friend when I find her, hmm?" Matt's eyes widened slightly. The man laughed again, turned and left the room. I waited about a minute, then I walked up to Matt's bubble. Matt must have heard me because without looking up he growled,

"I already told you, I'm not going to help you." I smirked after he said that.

"So you're saying I came here for nothing?" I asked playfully. His head snapped up and he looked me in the eyes.

"Danielle?" He asked hopefully.

"No, it's Santa," I retorted. He glared at me and attempted to sit up wincing constantly.

"Took you long enough."

"So what's with the bubble, is it magical?" I asked ignoring him. He shrugged his shoulders. I raised my arm and punched it as hard as I could, well that didn't work. It took me about twenty minutes to find a hidden switch along the bottom of it to remove the force field. I smirked in triumph. I stood there waiting for Matt to get up and out of the thing, but he remained in the exact same spot.

"Well aren't you coming?" I asked impatiently.

"Umm, I can barely move," He said with a sheepish smile. I sighed. I grabbed him and gently tossed him over my shoulder fireman style.

'Home,' I thought. I closed my eyes momentarily. When I opened them, we were in my room. I set Matt down on the bed. He mainly had a few bruises and minor scratches, except for his left shoulder where the Plasma stabbed him. I relaxed and thought,

'Heal,' while placing my now glowing hand on his shoulder. I did this on the second day to heal the gash on my side. The wound sealed up and Matt looked relaxed and peaceful. His scratches and bruises began to fade as well.

"Thank you." He whispered gratefully. I nodded at him and removed my hand from his now healed shoulder.

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