TWENTY: "Hands Full."

Start from the beginning

'Driver of the other car and the uber driver are on their way to Med.' Casey tells Severide. 'Let's get Alicia out and on her way to Med, ASAP. For the next half an hour, they work on getting Alicia out of the car. Forty-minutes after the crash and they are loading Alicia into the ambulance. Shaylynn is standing by the doors of the ambulance. Boden walks up to her. 

'Go with her.' Boden tells her. 

'Are you sure, chief?' Shaylynn questions.

'I've cleared it with Severide.' Boden nods. 'I'll call ahead to Med and let them know.' 

'Thank you chief!' Shaylynn smiles and gets into the back of the ambulance. 


At Med, Maggie has found Connor and Will and took both of them to the doctor's lounge.

'What's going on?' Will queries.

'I've just gotten off the phone with Chief Boden.' Maggie starts. '51 were called to a multi-vehicle accident. Involving an Uber and two other cars. Alicia was in the Uber.'

'What?!' Connor exclaims.

'She's on her way in now.' Maggie nods. Both Connor and Will rush out of the doctor's lounge and to the ambulance entrance where the OB/GYN team, Dr Lanik and Dr Abrams are waiting.

'Sam?' Will says.

'Alicia's right pupil has blown en route.' Sam informs them. 'We're going to take her straight to surgery where a portable CT will be waiting. Dr Lanik will do the trauma assessment whilst I'm relieving whatever trauma there is to her brain.' Sam explains. 'The only other visable injury she's got is a broken arm. Ortho will fix that later. You guys will have to wait in the surgical floor relative's room.' The ambulance pulls up and Abrams, Lanik and the OB/GYN help Sylvie and Emily get Alicia out. Once they've got her out, they take her straight up to surgery. Will and Connor see Shaylynn hanging by the ambulance doors and walk over to her.

'I haven't called Jay.' Shaylynn shakes her head, looking at Will. 'I figured you'd want to call him.' Will nods and Shaylynn looks at Connor. 'This is Alicia's bag.' She hands him Alicia's bag.

'Thanks.' Connor smiles slightly. 'We're going to head up to the relative's room. Do you want to come with?'

'Sure.' Shaylynn nods.

In surgery, Abrams is assessing the head CT scan.

'Massive subdural on the right side.' He sighs. 'Lanik, how's the trauma assessment?'

'No internal bleeding or internal injuries. No other obvious injuries besides the broken arm.'

'OB?' Abrams looks at the OB/GYN consultant. 'How are the twins looking?'

'No placental injuries or injuries to the uterus.' The OB consultant replies. 'Heart rates are in normal range but on the lower side.'

'So we're all agreed mom and babies are stable enough for me to carry out this surgery?' Abrams questions. Everyone nods in agreement.

'As soon as the babies show any signs of distress, I'm taking them out straight away.' The OB consultant adds.

'Then I better get this done before that happens.'

In the relative's room, Jay and the rest of 51 have arrived. Everyone is sitting in silence.

'She'll get through this.' Herrmann breaks the silence. 'She's strong.'

'Yeah.' Jay nods. 'Alicia is stubborn as hell.'

'The babies will be viable if they're delivered, right?' Shaylynn queries, looking at Connor.

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