Peter Gets Locked Out

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I do not own Marvel

Peter's POV.
     Staring at the clock, I watched as the hand of the clock moved towards the three. Ten more minutes then I get to go to the tower and hang out with the Avengers! Unfortunately, my teacher noticed I wasn't paying any attention and decided to call on me.
     "Peter, since you seem to know everything and not need to pay attention, tell me the answer and explain why it is what it is." Flash snickered from behind me, but I did already know this, so it wasn't that big of a deal, to me anyway.
     "It's acid base neutralization, I know this because an acid and a base were put together to form a salt and water." I almost laughed out loud from seeing my teacher and the other's stunned looks, but I was able to compose myself. I glanced back up at the clock, five more minutes then I'm free. I slowly started to pack my things up, once that was down I had to more minutes. I sat staring at the clock, bouncing my leg. The bell finally rang and I was out of there.
     I basically ran for my locker, I threw all of the books I didn't need into it and grabbed the ones I did need. I said goodbye to Ned and I was out the doors walking towards Happy's car, that is until I was pulled back by the hood of my shirt. I knew this was bound to happen sometime, I just thought I would get of lucky today.
     "Hey Penis Parker, not so fast, where do you think you're going? You know I need you to do my homework for me right."
     "What I don't understand is, if you are as smart as you claim to be why can't you do your own homework?"
     "Because I can have nobodies like you do it for me, I need it tomorrow, get it done."
     "What you need is a breath mint." I mumbled to myself, but Flash heard anyway. He shoved me on the ground and delivered a kick to my unguarded ribs.
     "You better do it Penis, or there will be more from where that came from." I just sighed, and slowly got up. I walked over to Happy's car, the excited feeling I had earlier washed over me again as I got into the car.
     "What took you so long kid?" Happy asked, glancing up from his phone.
     "I got held back by a teacher." After that I rambled on about my day, until Happy closed the window. After that I played games  on my phone to pass the time. Instead of parking in the garage like usual, Happy pulled up to the front of the building. "Sorry Kid, can't walk you in today. I have stuff I need to do."
     Okay Happy, see you later." I jumped out of the car and waved as Happy drove off. I turned around and walked into the building that is now heavily guarded. There had been a break in last month, some interns had almost benn killed, good thing Spiderman came in swinging. Anyway, because of the break in Tony decided to up his security, of course Happy was still at the head.
      I, like the Avengers, didn't need a badge, Friday could just recognize me, but that proved to be a problem today. I walked through the security and Friday welcomed me, like usual, but I didn't get far. Someone had grabbed onto my arm. "Where do you think you're going kid?"
     "I'm an Intern, I was going up to the labs" I said. Motioning to the elevator.
     "I don't think so, all interns have badges, you don't. You're coming with me." The lady began to tug on my arm towards the elevator. I knew I should have a badge, but nooo, Mr. Stark said I would be fine, I'm in the system.
     "Look lady, I'm allowed to be here, I'm in the system. I know Mr. Stark."
     "Sure you do kiddo, sure you do." She looked at me unbelieving.
     "Call Happy, he'll tell you. I'll even call Mr. Stark. Just let me go." I just wanted to go up to the Avengers floor and have fun, but no. This is the second time I've been stopped today. First Flash, now this lady. She once again, didn't believe me. We finally arrived at the elevator, we went down instead of up though. "Where are we going?" Once again she ignored me. Once the elevator doors opened she continued pushing and pulling me towards a room. Once inside she sat me down in a chair and sat opposite of me. "What are we doing down here?"
     "I'll be the one asking questions, who are you and how did you hack into Friday?" She seriously thought I hacked into Friday, I mean, I can, but come on. I don't need to, to get inside the building.
     "I didn't hack Friday, I'm an actual intern. Mr. Starks personal intern, that's why I don't need a badge."
     "Mr. Stark doesn't have a personal intern and even if that was true, Pepper Potts, the CEO, even has to have a badge. The only people who don't have badges are the Avengers. Now tell me, how did you hack into Friday" This lady was driving me nuts, I just want to go to the Avengers floor and play Mario Kart and eat tons of snacks. Is there a way I can sneak around this lady? I glanced around her, but she seemed to realize what I was doing. "There's no escaping this." Why did Happy have to be busy?
     I just glared at the lady, "I already told you who I am, I'm not answering any more questions." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and she tried to snatch it out of my hands. "You know, it's rude to take things out of people's hands." I told her as I pulled up Mr. Starks number and pressed call, but of course, he didn't pick up.
     "Nice try kid, but hand over the phone."
     "I don't feel like it" It didn't matter what I said apparently, she took my phone either way. I wonder if Friday is wired down here? "Hey Friday?"
     "Yes Peter, would you like me to tell Boss you're here?" Friday responded, making Peter smile.
     "Yes please, thank you Friday." The women looked at me amazed. It was silent for a few moments, but of course she had to break it.
     "How did you hack into Friday?" She asked me once again, but before I could answer Mr. Stark's face was projected into the room.
     "Kid what's taking so long?" Once he actually looked around he noticed the tension in the room. "What's going on in here?" The lady looked at me unbelieving.
     "Do you actually know this kid, Mr. Stark?"
     "Yes, that's my personal intern, what's going on?"
     "It was a simple misunderstanding, Mr. Stark. I'll be up soon." Mr. Stark looked between the lady and I before shutting off the projection. "See, I told you." The lady looked at me sheepishly and gave my phone back.
     "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."
     "It's fine, you were just doing your job." I waved towards her as I got back on the elevator, finally being able to go up towards the Avengers floor. Where I knew a whole lot of fun was waiting.

I hope you liked the story
Sorry, I'm not a great writer
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