The mentioning of Harry's dad had Harry gasp which he instantly regretted. Louis, having a sharp sense of hearing, swiftly turned his face towards the origin and saw Harry before he could hide.

"What the damn hell you think you're doing exactly, huh?!"

Louis' sudden outburst had Zayn look at the direction as well and he murmured, "Shit."

Harry's face turned white, he stood there cold feet. Avoiding his master's anger was what he had been doing the past few days perfectly, but of course he had to push his luck. Curiosity did kill the cat.

"Come over here, right now!" Louis ordered and Harry was hesitant but he knew very well he couldn't hide now. He wished he could disappear right away. Become invisible. Frankly, he wouldn't actually mind it if the earth erupted and engulfed him there and then.

He took small steps forward, stalling as much time as he could but at the same time not keeping his master waiting for too long. Zayn rubbed his forehead, mentally preparing himself for defending Harry from whatever Louis might do.

When Harry finally stood in front of the two, his head bowed down, fingers intertwined together, biting his lip.

"Eavesdropping, now are we? Who the fuck you think you are to do that here, huh?!"

"Louis." Zayn tried to warn him.

"Shut up, Zayn!" Louis turned back to Harry. "Why the damn hell would you think it's okay? You wanna sit here next time? How about you just leave every single work you have and sit right here, in between us, to listen to every fucking word we speak? How about that, you brat?!"

The name had Harry wince. Zayn noticed the tear piling inside Harry eyes and tried to warn Louis again. "Louis, let it go."

"I'm not gonna let it go, Zayn! He needs to learn his limitations! If I haven't laid a hand on him the past days doesn't mean I can't anymore!"

Harry's eyes went wide at the mention of that. He honestly didn't want that, anything but that. "I'm s-sorry. I wasn't-"

"Where did you learn to lie? Your fucking dad?" Louis spat. That was a sword right through Harry's heart and a tear, that he was trying so hard to control, dropped.

"Louis!" Zayn frowned his eyebrows, anger shadowing over him. But of course, Louis wasn't going to be phased by that.

"N-n-no. N-no, he... he- I-"

"Shut up!" Louis stood up, having Harry involuntarily take a step back. "Just so you were let a bit privilege you think it's alright to listen to people's conversations. I should've kept you under my feet, where you fucking belong, you-"

"Don't become Joseph!" Zayn stood up immediately as he saw Louis pointing his index finger at Harry, approaching him.

Louis immediately froze on his spot. His hand remained in the air as all the anger flooded out of his eyes and he was blankly staring at Harry's face, who had clenched his eyes shut and lips bitten so harshly that blood would start flowing out any second.

When Harry sensed nothing had happened, he steadily opened one of his eyes and peeked to see Louis blankly staring at him with his mouth agape. That didn't lessen any of the fear Harry possessed and he was still trembling.

Louis lowered his hand down and saw Harry's fear-stricken eyes. Flashbacks ran through his own, his screams went through his ears, and images he wished he could forget popped in front of eyes. He quickly blinked and shook his head, trying to bring himself back to reality, to the present.

He looked up to meet Harry's tear-filled green eyes and his face softened, his brows frowned as his breaths became deeper. He took in Harry's figure and blinked again because it reminded him so much. So damn much that was not good for his health.

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