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The wolf growled, then sniffed me. I stood dead still, waiting for the moment when i'd have to run!

Funnily enough, the wolf stepped back and bowed his head.

I, as you probably would be, was very confused. Why didn't he kill me? What does 'bowing his head' mean? Maybe he wants a stroke or he thinks I'm important!

Suddenly the wolf touched me with his nose and then he bowed his head again. Maybe he did want me to stroke him. My hand nervously reached out to touch the wolf. I could feel it, the soft fur of the wolf! The wolf didn't move at all, but he slowly moved his head to one side as if he wanted me to tickle behind his ears! So I did.

They were softer than the actual fur. Like a cat 's.  

All of a sudden, I felt tired and drowsy, as if I was being hytnotised. I kept saying to myself - 'don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep!' But it was no good. I started to slowly closed my eyes...

I woke up dramatically. I can see its morning, the sun is blaring in my eyes.

The same wolf that I had met last night is there, about 5 metres away from where I am lying. Wait... if I slept outside, wouldn't I have froze to death? Its getting near winter you see.

I looked around me. I'm in some kind of shelter, a straw house maybe. I didn't magically appear in here though. I couldn't have. The wolf must of carried me. But that's just silly - isn't it? Maybe he did.

Wait, where am I? I got up quickly, dying to know where I was. Outside I could see my house, just down a huge slope, and the market. I'm on the top of my hill - just a little away from where I fell asleep!

I didn't know that there was a straw shelter on my hill. I looked back. The shelter was gone. That's odd, one minute there was a huge straw shelter there, and now its gone? That's impossible! All that's there now is a bunch of bushes!

I walked over to the snow coloured wolf. The wolf looked back at me. He put his paw on my shoulder. Then he looked down at my house with his paw still resting awkwardly on my shoulder. I looked at my house. I saw my mum come out into the garden.

Oh no, my mum doesn't know where I am!

"I’ve got to go...wolfy." I whispered, "My mum will be looking for me. She'll be worried. Thank you anyway for bringing me to your..."

I looked back. I didn't know what to say. His shelter was gone!

"To your...'was there shelter, now gone shelter?'"

The wolf  shook his head as if in reply, and strolled over to the place where the shelter had disappeared. He carefully nudged a few leaves out of the way with his nose.

There it was! The shelter was behind the leaves all along! What I didn't get was how only about three leaves could cover a massive shelter!

"So you've been living here all this time?" I asked in confusion.

The wolf nodded his head. I was quite impressed!

Suddenly, I heard a voice call from my house "Lottie! Dinner Time!" That was my mum!

"I'm sorry, wolfy, but I've got to go. That was my mother." I whispered into his ear.

The wolf drooped his head. I could see he was unhappy. But what could I do? I slowly walked back down the hill, constantly looking back. He seemed ok about it all.

When I was half way down the hill, I ran the next bit.

"Hey mum, I'm home!" I called when I was in the house.

My mum turned around from peeling the carrots for dinner, and looked shocked.

She suddenly screamed " Aarrgh! Its a wolf! There. Look!"

Our HillNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ