Part One: Felix

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Chan hyung and I were hanging out when he decided to walk me home. As we walked in the direction of my house, Chan kept cracking jokes, to keep me laughing. The field is a bit far from my house so Chan wanted to walk with me since it was getting late.

"hyung if you keep it up, I might pee my pants from laughing so hard." Chan hyung grinned at me, "maybe that's the point Lixie~." I playfully shoved him as I shook my head. We neared my street and saw a moving truck infront of the house across the street. I didn't know we were getting new neighbors..

Chan nudged me, "come on Lixie." As soon as he finished his sentence, a boy came from the back of the truck with a box.

I looked at Chan hyung to see an unreadable expression on his face. Chan hyung looked at me, "come on Lixie, I need to get you home. And stay away from him. I don't like the vibes I'm getting from him." I softly say, "But he might need help with his boxes.." Chan hyung stopped walking, "Felix please.. Stay away from him. I'm only looking out for your safety." I sighed in defeat and followed Chan hyung to my house. Minho hyung, my older brother, opened the door, and looked at Chan hyung, "thanks for walking him home." I mumble, "I can protect myself.." Minho looked at me, "what'd you say, Lix?" I shook my head and walked inside.

I heard Minho hyung ask Chan hyung, "what's up with him?"


I sighed. "He's pouty because I told him he couldn't help the boy across the street since I got terrible vibes from him." Minho nodded, "I'll talk to Lixie about it. Again, thank you for bringing him home. I appreciate it, Hyung." I nodded, "anytime. See you two at school tomorrow." Minho waved. I turned and walked back to my house. I'm sorry Lixie.. I just can't have you get hurt.


Minho hyung walked into my room, causing me to stop drawing. "Oh hi Hyung. Did you need anything?" Minho nodded, "Chan hyung is right, little brother. The boy across the street has bad vibes coming from him. Chan hyung and I don't want you to get hurt. And I'm sure everyone in this neighborhood can agree with us. You're our little flower. We don't want you to get crushed. I'm sorry." Before I could reply, Minho left. For work I'm assuming. That's okay. When Minho is fully gone and away from the house, I'll make cookies and bring them to the boy across the street.


I finished wrapping the paper plate after asserting the cookies neatly. I then put my shoes back on and walked across the street. I had to make a few different kinds of cookies seeing as I obviously didn't know his favorite kind. Once I reached the front porch, I took a deep breath before walking up the steps to the front door. I gently knock on the door and waited. I had noticed the boy was already done unloading the truck.

"Hello?" I had heard. I looked up and held out the cookies, "Um...H-Hi! Welcome to the neighborhood! My name is Felix. I baked cookies and accidentally made too much. Do you want the rest?" The boy nodded, and took the plate from me. "Thank you, Felix." I nodded before jogging back to my house.

I didn't see the smirk and the lustful look in his eyes as he looked at me while I ran back to my house.

Jey helped me start this part off. otherwise this book wouldn't be started so soon. but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter~

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