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author's note: hello, my lovely beauts! i'm back with a completed fanfiction that i decided to write within a whole night teehee... to be completely honest, this was going to be a soulmate au but i decided to stick with my old kind of style. thank you so much for reading and for supporting my stories! i love every single one of you uwu.

dearest the wonders of the ocean, the sky, the wind, and all else,

trust. trust is a fragile little thing. "easy to break, easy to lose, and one of the hardest things to ever get back". it's been the longest time since i've been this depressed and melancholy, but guess what? the "love of my life", the "one person who understands me", the "boy of my dreams" has turned into the "regret of a lifetime", the "one person who laid sweet lies along my lips", and the "boy in my nightmares". a real man would at least break up with a girl they don't love anymore before moving on. but you see... this idiot decided to invite me to his house two weeks ago for a movie night and forgot so i happened to see him all dazzled upon another girl. wonderful, just wonderful. and just to think of all the things i told him thinking i could trust him. so, all i'm wishing for is a reason to live. a reason to get out of bed in the mornings. a reason to regain my confidence and pride and trust.

signing off,

p.s. what do i do if the person who broke my heart is the only one that can truly fix it?

sweet lies. / skz hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now