Chapter 1: Headed for Hogwarts

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Leonard Snart; the eldest child and only son of Lewis Snart, elder brother of Lisa Snart by three years, lifelong friend of pureblood Mick Rory, a pureblood wizard, and now a first year Hogwarts student. This was a day Leonard was both excited for and dreading at the same time.

It was the first year he would get to spend away from home for most of the year which was good considering what his father was like. But it was also the first year his sister would spend alone with the man and the year he would be sorted. Everyone in his family has been a Slytherin practically since the school's founding and if he weren't sorted into the house his father would be furious and he didn't even want to think about how his father would react if he were sorted into Gryffindor.

"Good luck Lenny," Lisa told her brother while hugging him as she and their father saw him off at Platform 9¾.

"Thanks Lise. I'll miss you," he smiled sadly as he hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go.

"Ahem," their father interrupted causing Leonard to release his sister as he turned to face the man beside him.

"Father," Leonard said with a nod.

"Leonard," Lewis said with a nod in return.

"Do not disappoint me, boy," he sneered.

Leonard then grabbed his belongings and turned to board the train almost getting there when he was suddenly barreled into by a blonde girl as she rushed to get on board.

"Sorry! Sorry. My bad," she said as she gathered up her things that had fallen from the crash.

"No, it's okay," Leonard argued.

"Hey!" Lewis shouted as he marched up to them.

"You should watch where you're going next time little girl," he sneered at the young blonde.

"No," she said firmly much to Leonard's dismay as he knew she was only asking for trouble.

"No?" Lewis asked menacingly.

"No. You should watch your mouth and not speak so rudely to children. I'm only eleven you know," the girl said as she told him off.

"Hmm. You're a Gryffindor if I ever saw one. They don't have any manners either," Lewis sneered at her before turning back to his son.

"Be careful around this one, boy, she's nothing but trouble," he told Leonard.

"Yes father," Leonard nodded as he finished gathering up his items including his very flexible wand of 13-inch reed wood and a unicorn hair core.

"That's your father?" the girl asked him.


"You have my condolences. Sara Lance. Nice to meet you," the girl said reaching out a hand.

He refused her hand and turned to board the train without saying a word to her. Something he regretted doing but had no choice as he knew his father would be cross if he spoke to her. As the train started to move Leonard found himself a seat in one of the compartments of the train where he was soon confronted by Sara.

"Hey! I know your father's a jerk but that doesn't mean you have to be such a-" she started screaming at him.

"I know. I know I'm sorry. Hi, my name is Leonard. Leonard Snart," he interrupted with an extended hand.

"And why couldn't you have just said that before?" she asked with crossed arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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