"Ok so what are we gonna do today" i said

"I don't know what do you wanna do" he said

"Um maybe shop, eat, go to the beach. I don't know" i said

"I mean sure" he said. We talked a bit more then he went upstairs to get ready i threw on my bikini under my clothes then justs sat at my desk staring at the wall. I decided i would go to school for like two hours then leave. I was only like an hour late. I texted Sam and told him i was gonna go to school for a bit. I drove to my school in time for third period. I went in history like i minute before the bell rang but everyone was already there and just stared at me

"Um you are Ms.." the teacher asked, i made a sweat smile

"Truesdale, i'm so sorry im late" i replied the teacher looked baffled

"Well, ms. um Truesdale take your seat then" she said. I sat down and i stayed for this class and my next class which was guitar so i was happy to be there for that i showed the teacher my video and she said she was very proud and i learned a lot. I had her help me with the cords of a different song i wanted to do and she was happy to help. After guitar it was lunch and i went to dismiss myself. I got out and texted Sam to meet me for lunch. I drove to the place and went to see Sam sitting at a table waiting for me

"Hey" i said sitting down

"Wow i kinda forgot the whole new look thing" he said with a laugh

"Oh haha" i said looking at the menu. We ordered and had a good talk

"So how's it going with Colby" he said out of the blue

"Well i'm kinda blowing him" i paused to giggle "blowing him off"

"Oh well maybe don't do that, cause you know it could like damage the relationship" he said

"I'm trying my best to not do that and like think i guess" i said eating a fry.

"Don't rush it but also dont ignore him" Sam said

"I made something for him sorta" i said

"What was it" he asked

"I wrote a uh song" i said

"You did" he asked, i nodded "can you play it for me"

"I will when we get home it's downloaded on my laptop" i said

"Alright" he said

"Anyways how late are we planning on staying out today" i asked him

"As late as you want it's friday" sam said

"Were just gonna have to see" i said. We finished eating and payed. The went to the beach and it was great. We ran around the beach a bit and swam in was pretty lit. Then we went to the mall sam for once agreed to go with me and it was exciting. I somehow was able to drag him into Victoria's secret with me. I was looking at some pants and i turned around and he had panties on his head

"Sam" i said giggling

"What" he said "am i wearing them wrong" i giggled

"That is the very wrong way to wear them, no like seriously i don't wanna get in trouble take em off your head" i said one of the workers walked up to me

"Excuse me can you please control your boyfriend" she said

"Oh um he's-" i started but she cut me off

"Or im gonna have to ask you to leave" she said. I nodded and looked at Sam

"You got me in trouble" i said to him

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