Chapter one

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Sarah's POV
June 24,2018. I was sitting at the back of the church, LivingWord Fellowship church to be exact. My dad stood behind the pool-pit, preaching a topic I had no interest in. Today's sermon: being a "good person".Who can define a good person? Whose to say what is good and what is not? Me personally? I'm not a fan of being nice to people. That's why I don't have any friends. Only acquaintances. I don't party. I don't go to football games. I don't drink. I don't smoke.

There's always a stereotype that preachers kids are "rebellious" and go behind their parents back. That's not the case for me. I'm quiet and not social. Psychology would say I'm "socially awkward". It's not like I'm a cruel person, I just simply don't like people. Does that make me weird? I don't think so. Why is it socially odd to be quiet,but not socially odd to be loud?

I snapped out of my train of thought as the sermon came to an end. As people started to file out of the church, I was met by my mother,who was at the front of the church the whole lesson. "Learn anything meaningful sweetie?" She asked , waiting for me to say something.

I don't know why though, it's the same answer every time. "Ummmm kind of" I said not sounding very convincing."Sarah, you must start paying attention. You never know when you might have to apply this to real life." She always says things like that. I never pay any attention.

The ride home was silent. It's not my parents fault. I don't like to engage in conversation. I prefer one-word answers. Yes. No. Maybe. Just so they can stop talking to me. Finally, we're home. It felt like we had been driving for hours. The familiar smell of my house hit my nose as I walked in,instantly making me feel happier. I find comfort being in the privacy of my own home. Today was a long day. I can get some much needed rest.

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