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"RUNNNN!!!!" Taehyung yelled as Yoongi chased after him and Jungkook. "STOP RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!" Jin yelled from the kitchen as he put chicken nuggets into the oven. Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook then started to speed walk.

  "Why was Yoongi chasing them in the first place?" Hoseok asked as he sat down on the couch, his hair damp from the shower he took earlier. "They woke him up." Jimin responded as he cuddled up to Hoseok.

  "Oh. Well that's a reasonable reaction to being woken up." Hoseok stated as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder. "True." Jimin said back. He then laid his head against the older and watched as the tv played re-runs of Spongebob.

  "Hyung? Can you get my blanket? The gray one please?" Jimin asked Namjoon who was walking in the same direction to his and Jimin's shared room. "Sure sweetheart." Namjoon cooed as he ruffled Jimin's hair. "Mmm thanks hyungie." Jimin smiled.

  "Bastards." Yoongi grumbled as he sat next to Jimin. "Oh hyung~ You can sleep next to me if that makes you feel better." Jimin smiled at the elder. "Okay Minnie." Yoongi yawned then lay his head down on Jimin's lap. Jimin also yawned and fell asleep on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok soon falling asleep as well after Namjoon put Jimin's gray blanket over the trio.

  After a while Jin woke them up so they could eat. "Dun' wanna." Jimin mumbled. He whined when he felt strong arms picking him up. Jungkook, "C'mon baby, you can eat then go back to sleep. How does that sound?" Jungkook laughed when Jimin mumbled a 'hmph' as a response.



  "Thanks Kookie hyung." Jimin yawned. Jungkook lay Jimin down on his bed and tucked him in. "No problem baby." Jungkook cooed, then kissed Jimin's forehead before walking out of the room and turning the light off.

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