Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys! I started writing this series after I finished The Bodyguard series on Netflix. I'm American, so if there are inaccuracies with any British politics, I'm sorry. I'm researching as I write. Another disclaimer, since this story involves political figures being protected, I'm going to do my best to show a bit of their work. That being said, I am not using this work to express my own political views or use it to bash others' views. This is just a story, and  I think that showing characters at school and/or work is a way to gain more intimate knowledge of the characters as people. Also, I'm going to put in characters from some other fandoms in here, so let me know when you spot them! 


"Lion is entering ballroom, east side."


"Lion approaching Senator Stone."


"Lion being approached by Stone's wife."

"You know, I really don't need a play by play."

"Yes, you do."

"No, not really."

"You're going to be watching him obsessively anyway. Might as well narrate it."

Harrison huffed and pressed his finger against his earpiece.

"Jacob, I swear-" Harrison started.

"Careful with that thought, Haz," A new voice warned. "We don't want Lion to hear you threaten a colleague, yeah?"

Harrison growled. Jacob and the other man chuckled.

"Stay on task, boys," Another new voice said. It was their commander. A chorus of "yes sir"s echoed from the three men.

"Osterfield," The commander said. "Got anything suspicious?"

Harrison scanned the ballroom, eyeing the international and national dignitaries. Agents from various agencies dressed in suits were scattered around the edge of the ballroom, all scanning the room with watchful eyes. Harrison saw his protectee, standing in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by people waiting to talk to him. Harrison scanned the immediate area around him.

"Nothing, sir," Harrison answered.

"Holland?" The commander asked.

"Nothing, sir," Tom answered after a few moments. "Unless you count Jacob eating his fifth croissant sandwich suspicious."

"Hey!" Jacob squawked over the intercom. "It's free food! And I'm hungry. And it's delicious."

Harrison's stomach growled.

"I think I'll take one," Harrison said, stepping away from his position against the wall. "Jacob, switch with me?"

Jacob sighed. "Sure." Harrison began to pass through the crowd, taking advantage of the close proximity to scan people more closely. He kept Lion in the corner of his vision. A hand brushed against his hip. He wheeled around, hand on his pistol. He was greeted with the dark eyes of the British Prime Minister's wife. She giggled, sipping the glass of wine she held in a gloved hand and swayed a bit.

"Couldn't resist," She said coyly, scanning Harrison. "You're just so handsome." She reached her free hand and rested it on his chest. Harrison clenched his jaw and dropped the hand from his gun.

"Ooh," Harrison heard Tom say over the radio. "Take it, man. It's not every day you get hit on by the Prime Minister's wife."

"Or a woman old enough to be his mother," Jacob added. Harrison snapped his head to the side, giving Jacob and Tom hard glares. Both men, dressed in suits were barely holding back fits of laughter. The sensation of a hand trailing down the front of his suit made him turn his attention back to the Prime Minister's wife. She was smiling coyly. Harrison fought the heat rising to his cheeks and grabbed the woman's wrist.

Broken: Harrison Osterfield x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن