part 8

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{Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley}

Ben and Joe both wake up to the dreaded sound of the default iPhone alarm. Ben loosens his grip of the smaller man so he can lean over and grab his phone. It is currently 7am; they have to be at the airport by 10:00, but to be safe Joe wants to be there at 9:00 so he is sure he doesn't miss the flight.

Joe flips around so he and Ben are facing each other. Bens eyes have already closed again.

"Hey, don't go back to sleep," he says. No response.

"Ben." Nothing. Well talking to him isn't working. He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips and he feels him kissing back.

"You're awake, you ass!" Joe raises his voice. Ben chuckles back.

Joe gets up to go freshen up with his morning routine in the bathroom. He's already mostly packed so he doesn't have to worry much about that. Ben lays in bed for a second, rubbing his hand over where Joe had just removed himself from. It's finally starting to hit him that Joe won't be here for much longer.

Ben soon removes himself from the bed to go make coffee and whatever else when he spots Joe's suitcase out of the corner of his eye. He sees his hoodie folded neatly next to it. He walks over and shoves the hoodie all the way down to the bottom of the luggage. He wanted him to keep it.

After, he continues to the kitchen. He starts the keurig and takes a seat at the bar. He takes a deep breath and puts his face in his hands. Joe comes out of the bathroom and makes his way to the kitchen but Ben is so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear him. He takes the seat next to Ben and puts his arm around his shoulder. Ben jumps; he wasn't expecting Joe to be there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Joe asks, even though he thinks he already knows the answer.

"Joe, you know, I've been trying to say strong for us, for you, but it's tough. Do you have any idea how much I'm gonna miss you? Just thinking about it is killing me." Ben hates telling Joe how he feels. He wanted to see the positive side, especially for Joe when he starts freaking out.

Joe chuckles. "Yea, I think I know how you feel. I mean, I was the one that cried like three separate times yesterday for that exact reason."

"Oh, I know, I'm sorry," Ben says sympathetically. He stands up and takes Joe's hand, pulling him to his feet as well.

"Whattttt," Joe whines.

Ben simply places his hands on each side of Joe's head and gives him a long kiss on the forehead. When he stops, he takes a step back. His hands make their way down his arms and back to Joe's hands. They are now staring in each others eyes, both on the verge of tears, but not saying a word. Suddenly, Joe jumps forward and wraps his arms around Ben, hugging him as tightly as possible. Ben does the same and they stand there like that for a few minutes. He puts his hand on the back of Joe's neck.

"Are you sure you can't stay a little longer?" Ben gets out, speaking into Joe's neck.

Joe breaks apart. "Ben-"

"No, I know I know." He grabs Joe's hands once again. "That was selfish of me to ask. I'm sorry, I just- Well fuck, I love you. I don't want to be away from you." He brings their hands up and kisses the back of Joe's.

"I know, Ben, and I love you too, so much. You know I wish I could stay but I already told you, I just didn't come prepared for a trip more than a few days. Maybe I'll come back soon and surprise you," Joe winked. It's Joe's time to be strong for Ben.

"No, I know. I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault," Ben was genuinely sad but he regrets telling Joe. He doesn't want to make him feel bad for it.

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