Outed~ Chapter 1

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This story could get a little sexual or triggering I guess. So proceed with caution ⚠️

Charlie POV:
I meet up with my beloved Lizzy on the way the school. We're a secret for obvious reasons. You would think a school like this wouldn't have bullying problems because it's a school for everyone. But there's some shit that'll never change sadly. She and I went to our classes and everything was normal but tonight I'm having a party. Not anything big just my friends and Lizzy's friends. I don't know why I want to have a party. It's kind of not like me, not at all. I've been feeling strange almost euphoric. It's over small things I can tell it's getting on people's nerves but really I can't help it.

My power has been acting strangely as well. Sometimes they're doing the opposite of giving life. It feels more powerful it's not good but it's not a bad thing either. But my dad asked me what was wrong this morning. He could hear me last night. I probably should have been more careful with the noise. It's nothing really if I don't think it's a problem it's fine, right?

3rd person
"Hey, guys" waved Elizabeth to the small group of people. "Hey, Lizzy" they waved back. "Did Charlie tell you all about the party?" "Yeah," Freddy said while everyone else shook their heads yes. "I never thought Charlie would want to have a party," said T.C. Everyone just giggled. Then Charlie came she was skipping she must be having a good day. She's been like this a lot lately. Did something happen to make her so unnatural happy?

Charlie POV:
Everyone was there. They were looking at me in a way I guess trying to figure out my new found happiness. But that's whatever it's training time! I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to use my healing/life power. It feels unstable I don't want to scare anyone. As I was thinking I get pulled into the girl's restroom by Lizzy. " I have something better we could do" I just laughed and followed her into the stall. We start making out while she takes off my shirt and I grab her waist. She looked surprised "Wow look who's taking on a new role." She's usually the one to be more dominant. So she's one who grabs and pulls me whenever. "Well, I wanted to see what it was like." As I kissed her neck.

"Hey, when are you going to take these bandages off you said you burned your arms two months ago. It's definitely better by now." "Umm," My voice probably went up ten octaves. But then someone came into the bathroom. "Oh fuck" Lizzy whispered "Who the hell is in there?" someone shouted.  I immediately knew who it was. "Someone could have seen us walk in here and told," I said.

This is such bullshit I'm already shunned from everyone because I'm a 'half breed'. Now even my friends won't like me plus Baby (Elizabeth's nickname😉) is going to be shunned too. I just wanna be like everyone else that's hooked up in the bathroom and have a little fun. So I walked out of the stall I don't know why but I was being impulsive.

     "What are you two girls doing here. This is disgusting. You girls should be ashamed of yourself" the dirty bitch said. "Well, I'm not. Because literally, everyone does this. Give us a break lady." "I'm so sick of the monsters of this school! Your parents will hear about this!!" I just gasp this is a school for everyone. No one asked her to work here. Damn it if she really calls our parents I don't know what I'll do.

Elizabeth POV
What is up with her? She never talks back to a teacher even if they were wrong. She would just talk about when she got home.

I don't really care if my dad finds out he's too busy to be angry. But my brother would tease me endlessly. He's my brother he's supposed to be -well be a BIG BROTHER! He's not supposed to bully me in my own home. Maybe I'll just stay with Charlie for a little while. I'm starting to get worried about her she's never like this.

3rd person
By the time training was over their fathers knew and there were already rumors spreading. But Charlie didn't care she had gone mad with some sick form of happiness and Elizabeth was just bummed out and worried about Charlie.

The pizzeria
     "H-hi dad," said Charlie "I got the call," said Henry. "Oh yeah how could I forget?" She was cringing thinking of how this could play out.
"Are you mad?" "Of course not I really just want you to be happy. But why at scho- you know what never mind." "Hehe, really it's really okay?" "Yes, I love you, sweetheart. Is this why you been up all night." "No not at all I was too happy to go to sleep. I call it my new found happiness." He giggles hesitantly at that but he really did love her and always would.

     Elizabeth's POV: At her house
     I walked into my home wondering where Daddy was and my little brother Micheal came up to me. "So, you and Charlie," Micheal said. I was a little taken aback I didn't know he knew yet. "W-what are you talking about"
"Oh yeah, I heard already. Vincent (older brother) picked up the phone and I overheard. "So when did you guys get together big sis?" "You're actually interested in my relationship?" "Well yeah, you are my sister."Then we talk for a while about the whole thing. It was nice. Honestly didn't know Mike cared so much. We've never been too close.

     I could hear Dad coming up the stairs from the basement. "Hi, love," he said. "Hi daddy" I responded awkwardly. "So... Vincent told me about the school calling." "I know" I spoke quietly. "Listen I know I haven't said this in a long time but I love you. No matter what. Ever since your mother and I broke up I haven't known how to connect with you. You're so much like her." I felt loved. I guess it was relieving. I've felt like he stops caring but now I know that's not the case.

     We hugged and I up to go to my room I started to write in my diary about this. Then Charlie texted me asking how it went I replied with "I'll explain when I get there I'm leaving now. Can't wait for the party ☺️"

I really hope someone enjoys this. I don't see a lot of Charlie x Elizabeth stuff so I don't really know if people like this ship. But oh well I'll read it.

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