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My eyes open slightly and I groan waking from the sedative Eto gave me I hear footsteps approach and as my vision clears I see a feminine figure wearing a red maroon cloak and a white mask and a mouth on it startling me

Jack: w-who the hell are you

I ask trying to move but with no luck I don’t move feeling weak I here the giggles of someone who sounds familiar

Eto: that’s Nora she’s a mute so no real point in making verbal conversation with her

Jack: o-oh I’m sorry

She simply shakes her head dismissing the topic as she kneels down to the bed I’m laying on and she extends an arm reaching out to me to stroke some of my hair in my face behind my ear but as I feel her touch I pull away not wanting her to touch me she pulls away looking slightly saddened by me not letting her touch me but I don’t show any sign of emotion

Jack: E-Eto?

I say trying to sit up and I see her turn to me

Eto: yes Jacky? 

She says and chills run down my spine as I heard her call me that as anger runs through me

Jack: you’re not allowed to call me that!

I yell soon regretting that I did as she gives a shocked look which soon turns to one of anger and I shrink down into the bed getting scared and she stands up walking over and a creepy smile makes its way to her face and I give a really scared look as I start to shake in fear as she stands right in front of me

Eto: what did you say?

I just stay silent getting even more scared of what she’s gonna do next 

Eto: don’t call you Jacky why not?

She says with a slight bit of curiosity in her voice

Jack: o-only m-my mother calls me th-that

I reply and she gives a understanding look which surprises me 

Eto: ok…

She says as she then violently grabs me by the hair pulling me right up to her making me grunt in pain

Eto: but don’t ever yell at me again or I WILL punish you

She says with seriousness and I nod

Eto: also, while you were asleep I had Nora give you nutrient shots so your body will get better

She says and I just nod

Jack: I’m never going back home again am i?

I say saddened by that 

Eto: this is your home now Jack

She says with happiness and I start to tear up curling into a ball and I suddenly feel Eto’s warm arms wrapping around me as she gently pushes the back of my head into her neck her chin resting against the top of my head 

Eto: please don’t cry Jack 

I just sniffle crushed by the fact that I won’t ever see my family again Eto just hugs tighter trying to comfort me but I just remain sad and silent until she asks me

Eto: are you hungry?

She asks and I just stay silent

Eto: I’ll have Nora make you some food later 

She says and I continue being silent and she just groans getting off the bed feeling like crap I drag myself to the corner of the room and sit there 


It’s been 5days now and I’ve sat in the corner of the room the whole time not eating or accepting a blanket I continue to sit there as Eto walks over kneeling to me 

Eto: Jack?

I look over to her almost lifeless

Eto: why are you doing this? You’re killing yourself stop 

She pleads and I just go back to staring into nothing

Eto: is this your way of trying to get me to let you go?

She says and I move an eye to her and she gets the message ‘I don’t care anymore’ 

Eto: then stop doing this to yourself

She says wanting me to stop doing this but I just continue my silence and she angrily walks out the room and honestly I don’t see much point in living I’m not gonna see family again and I’m miserable here why not just end it? I look around for something sharp and my eyes land on one of the knifes for my foods Nora made I grab one of the knifes and my hands starts to shake as I gulp putting the knife to the side of my stomach as I then cut my stomach and the blood starts to leak out I just sit my head limp my life fading away 


I continue to sit here limp I don’t know how long it’s been since I initially cut myself I hear footsteps I recognise as Eto’s

Eto: Jack?

I don’t respond

Eto: Jack

She says grabbing me by an arm and she sniffs smelling my blood as she then sees some of my blood dripping from my hand as she then looks at my stomach and see’s the cut along my stomach she grabs me by my shoulders 

Eto: Jack?

i Don’t respond

Eto: Jack!?

She yells and I don’t respond as my eyes shut and I pass out 


I wake up in pain and I groan as footsteps are heard right behind me making me shoot up and I see Nora standing there staring right at me I sigh and she pushes me back down and I look at my stomach to see it stitched I look at Nora and she points to and needle and black thread

Jack: did you?

She nods as we hear footsteps

Eto: Jack? You awake?

Panic runs through me as Nora leaves and Eto walks in and guilt and surprise shoot through me and I realise what could of happened if I 
had managed to kill myself Eto walks over to me and I grab the blanket hiding under it as I start to shake 

Eto: Jack?

I pull the blankets over me tighter 

Eto: Jack get out of the blanket and calm down 

She says and I just stay in my current position and Eto tears the blanket off me to see me curled up into a ball shaking

Eto: why are you so scared of me?

She asks and I can’t speak I just keep shaking

Eto: Jack please tell me

Jack: a-are you g-gonna h-hurt m-my family?

I barely get out and she realises why I’m so scared

Eto: no

She says plainly

Eto: however…you tried to get away from me so I’m going to have to punish you

Jack: w-what…

I scream out in pain as there’s a ’chomp’ sound as pain shoots through my shoulder and I look down to see Eto sinking her teeth in my shoulder pain running through my shoulder every time her jaw moves I whimper in pain as she rips the piece of my shoulder she bit out 

Eto: every time you do something wrong I’m going to take a bite

I nod unable to bear the pain I hear her footsteps leave the room and return a moment later and I feel something being wrapped around my shoulder  

Eto: relax I’m just bandaging it I won’t let you bleed out 

She says with a smile

Jack: E-Eto why me? 

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