A first message from the author

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I can't express how thrilled and relieved I am to finally share my latest fanfiction with the internet! I've been writing and collecting my fanfics for THREE long years! I really want to make myself time and will to publish my best ones in here.

So, what to ecxpect from "Who is Jaylin?" you might wander. Judging from the description you'd think it's another one of those KrelxOC stories, not that there's anything exactly wrong with them or people who write these (I'm actually a kind of sucker for KrelxSomeone stories). But with my verson, I wanna make something different. I've been collecting ideas none-stop and I seriously hope you enjoy. :)

The first chapter will be out pretty soon, 'coz I'm kind of a busy person who often doesn't have time to both do my schoolwork and answer my friends' text messages. That and because the chapter will be kind of long, it's my first down-written fanfiction, and also I'm no Rick Riordan...yet.

So stay tooned my fellow 3below and fanfic fans!

P.S. Your comments would be deeply appreachiated.

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