[16] i don't like him

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I spotted Louis and Avi sitting on a couch away from most of the other people. They looked so adorable sitting together talking, they just looked happy with each other.

I longed for a boyfriend but I knew no one liked me like that. Honestly, I didn't even know if I could get back into one after how much pain the last relationship inflicted upon me.

Elliot. I flinched just thinking about his name because it brought up to many bad memories. Instead of dwelling on those thoughts I walked up to Louis and Avi to ask where Dylan went.

"Oh I haven't seen him for a while" Avi replied, answering the question. "When you left he looked sort of sad but then I think Rory saw him and they are hanging out in the dining room, or whatever the room with all the snacks is, now."

"Oh" I said trying to sort out all the information being thrown at me. "Well I'm going to find him to make sure he's ok"

Louis smirked at me. "What" I exclaimed. "Nothing." Louis said trying to control his smirk. "Your going to tell me anyway aren't you" I said to him at the same time that Louis exclaimed. "Are you sure it's just to make sure he's ok"

I almost choked on the air I was breathing. "Of course it's too make sure he's ok what other reason would I be looking for Dylan?" I spluttered out.

Avi just raised her eyebrows at me. "Really y/n?" She said laughing. "It's so obvious you guys like each other. Just date already." I laughed at the irony of the situation.

"I could say the same thing for the two of you."  They both looked at me dumbfounded. "I- wha-" Louis managed to stutter out. "Nice chat!" I said smiling as I turned around to walk back into the crowd.

"Wait, if you see Laura tell her to come let us here. We are going to leave soon." Louis said, appearing to have remembered how to speak. I turned back around. "I will" I told him. I glanced over at Avi. She was trying her best to contain a smile but it was obviously not working.

"See you guys later" I said smiling at them. "Bye y/n" avi said, the grin never leaving her face. I turned back around, heading to the dining room.

I entered the dining room to see it almost as packed as the living room. It was insane considering Rory's house was huge. You would think that this amount of people would disperse nicely but I guess the living room and dining room are the only places people wanted to be.

My suspicions were proved to be pretty accurate when I couldn't spot Dylan or Rory in the dining room so I walked down a almost deserted hall leading off the dining room.

I knew this hall led to Rory's older brothers room who was definitely at a friends house tonight. He also loved to party but he claimed that Rory's friends were boring and not fun to be around. We never really got along too well.

Turned the corner and what I saw made my heart skip a beat.

In the worst possible way.

Rory was pressed up against a boy none other then Dylan kingwell.

I walked around the corner right as she pressed her lips to his. Thank god I couldn't see their facial expression very well because it was still dark in this hallway. I must have made some sort of noise because they both turned to look at me.

"No y/n this isn't what it looks like" Dylan said pushing Rory off him. "That's what they all say" I retorted as I walked away.


I could hear Dylan running after me so I just sped up my steps and hurtled myself into the nearest bathroom. My cheeks were damp with tears. "Y/n get yourself together" I thought to myself. "You don't even like him so why are you so upset"

I don't even like him, it's the truth
I don't like him
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
I don't like him.
Ah shit I like him.

Guys we hit 1k
on this book that's
actually so amazing wow!
Thankyou guys!!!
Gotta blast I'm in class.
(did i just rHyMe?)
Sorry ok I'm leaving now

 *Dylan Kingwell x You* (discontinued) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang