Chapter twenty two: Rebellion

Começar do início

"No, he's too deep down", Edward says

"No", I sobbed

I looked at Demetri Ready to go for him but then Bruno emerges from the hole and quickly beheads Demetri who lands inches away from Jane who looks lost and doesn't know what to do.

She was next.

Alice spots her and they stare at one another before Alice charges.

I begin to shielding Alice, she turns to run but Alice jumps and lands in front of her and grabs her by the throat before using her other hand to grab the back of her robes and drag her towards the large all black wolf who was Sam which has a severed arm in his mouth.

He growls at Jane, licking his lips and when Alice throws her and the wolf devours her.

Alice looks at me and nods at me.

I se Aro walking out to the battle so I begin to run towards him ready to fuck his ass up. But when I get to him he hits me sending me in a spiral in the air. I hit someone and rolled on the snow. I see it was Bruno.

"Together", he says

We get up together. we continued look at each other and I take his hand as we begin to stand together. I see Aro break into a run now so Bruno uses Me as a battering ram and He is knocked backwards a little before I was is thrown at him, pushing Aro the other way with my feet.

I turn and e him trying to behead Bruno. I climb up aros back and grabbed his head pulling it upward. He lets go of Bruno as Aro was struggling to break free, bruno kicks him and he falls to the ground then I pulled his head off.

I bring a torch and torch his head.

"Bella", Bruno says

I snapped back into reality.

Suddenly I find myself back in the clearing, Alice's hand still in Aros hand, and I realise the battle was just in my imagination...I need to stop letting my imagination run wild.i looked up and Renesmee was still beside me and Bruno was still holding my hand.

Aro lets go of Alice's hand and he steps back a little.

"Now you know," Alice says. "That's you future. Unless you decide on another course."

"We cannot alter our course," Caius says. "The child still pose a grave threat."

"But what if you were sure my daughter could remain concealed from the human world?" Bruno calls. "Could we leave in peace?"

"Of course," Caius says. "But that cannot be known."

"Actually, it can," Edward says.

I looked at Edward like he was crazy,Alice turns and walks closer to us. Two more people, a man and a woman come out of the woods and approach, both donning tribal attire.

Alice turns to me.

"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil," she explains.

"We have enough witnesses," Caius huffs.

"Let him speak, brother," Aro command.

"I am half human, half vampire, not much dissimilar to the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My Aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal."

"How old are you?" I asks and he turns to me

"150 years," he replies.

Bruno and I look at each other with relief.

"At what age did you reach maturity?"Aro ask.

"I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then."

I look at Renesmee with a smile. Knowing she was going to live forever.

"And your diet?" Aro ask.

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."

"These children are much like us," Marcus says.

"Regardless," Caius protests. "The Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies."

I looked at Edward annoyed because I know Aro was referring to me and Jacobs relationship from the pas.

"Dear ones," Aro begin, turning back to his army. "There is no danger here."

No shit Sherlock

"We will not fight today," He continue.

Caius turns in a huff and storms off the field as the rest of his army follow. We speed off but Aro stop just before the trees and turn back, looking at Alice, then Me.

"Such a prize."

I gasped then he leaves. I'm speechless as I realized we were alive still and we were going to live in peace without the Volturie threats...for now.

"We have them on the run," Vladimir says as they walk in the direction the Volturi went. "Now is the time to attack."

"Not today," Carlisle says when they reach him before he approaches us.

"You're all fools," Stefan shouts. "The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive what happened here."

We all ignore them as me, Bruno and Renesmee hold one another and the others embrace one another in victory.

The Dracula twins race off into the trees, none too happy with the lack of fighting.

The only one lost today was Irina who was still burning across the clearing from us , and I feel for Tanya and Kate.

I kissed Bruno and he hugs me tighter.

"I get to stay with you?", Renesmee asks

"Yes Nessie", I grinned

Jacob and Edward begin to laugh.

"Shut up", I say

"Yes, Baby. You get to stay with us forever", Bruno says

He takes her from my arms and hugs her.

"Forever", I agreed

He kisses me again.

The wolves begin to head home but Jake turns and looks at us before he goes and we smile at each other.

Forever indeed.

At the Beginning (sequel to Journey to the past)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora