Chapter twenty two: Rebellion

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I didn't know what she was showing him but he was still staring at her.

"It doesn't matter what I show you," Alice says. "Even when you see."

She pulls her hand away. What the fuck is going on?

"You still won't change your mind."

She turns to me with a pained look on her face.

"Now!" she whispers.

Anguish washing over me, Renesmee shakes her head and I touched her cheek. Jake looks at me.

"Take care of my daughter," i say

I watched them run off and I turn to look at Bruno who kisses me briefly...this was the end.

"Get them," Caius orders but Alice looks at Aro before she does a spin kick and he fly back fifty or so feet, sliding in the snow until He stop and look at her with anger in his eyes.

Two of the Guard grabs Alice and Jasper wriggles to get free.

we all take a step forward so Caius, Marcus and Aro main guard do too. The wolves growl.

"Take her away," Aro order with a grin on my face.

The two Guards begin to drag Alice away as her mate continues to struggle free.

"Let her go!" Carlisle screams before he races towards them

He flips the Guard who rush to intercept him before he jumps in order to land on the two Guard who have hold of Alice but Aro jumps too and we grab each other in the air.

When they land, Carlisle drops to the floor behind him and Aro land in a crouching position. As He stand, He reveal Carlisle's decapitated head in his hand.

Esme screams and we look at him in horror. Aro smile as Caius sets fire to Carlisle's body.

"Fuck this shit", I spat and being to run towards them

They all follow behind me and the wolves also hold back. The guard begin to race forward so the wolves join in.

I begin to use everything I learned about fighting and my newborn speed and strength on these Volturie mother fuckers.

I see Jane goes to use her ability on Jasper who was fighting so I used mine. But I lost my concentration when I notice Alec charging at me and tackling me to the ground.

I get up and pushed him but he kicks me to the ground and inches towards me. Before I get up Emmett had grabbed him by the neck beheads him and throws his headless body across the field. Jane looks at her brother in horror but I smiled at mine.

I see Alice do a brilliant manoeuvre, freeing herself from the two Guard before ripping them apart.

I was fighting with the red head but two guards had me and the red head was trying to behead me. I looked around me to Demetri has Bruno pinned to the ground, Edward was fighting Heidi, but then Benjamin punches the ground, opening up a sinkhole from where he stands to a couple of inches in front of us, right across the clearing. Several on both sides fall into the hole.

I get free, pushing the three Guard over the edge. I continue to fight not trying to lose my focus but this was easier I was just pushing people down this hole. Edward and I were fighting a pay back for what happened last time

After Edward beheads him I hear my name being called.

I turn to see Bruno going down the hole, I move forward fast, but Edward had stopped me.

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