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Yeonjun woke up first to see Soobin still sleeping, his tears stained his cheeks. Yeonjun sighed and made his way to the bathroom taking a long warm shower.

He let out a deep breath of air feeling the water hit his skin. He didn't want to think about anything at the moment he just wanted to relax.

Soobin slowly came back to reality as the light shined in through the thin curtains. He felled the bed beside him to realize it was empty. He laid for just a moment before sitting up.  Just as he did the bathroom door unlocked to revile Yeonjun with a towel wrapped around his waist showing from his vline up. Soobin gulped staring at his perfect body. "Good morning Binnie, did you sleep well?" Yeonjun asked drying his hair while walking into the closet to get dressed. Soobin nodded with his hands in his lap as his feet hungover the bed. He looked down to see the big hoodie that draped down his body.  "That's good" Yeonjun said before shutting the closet door to get dressed. He put on his black skinny jeans and white and black striped T-shirt tying the outfit to gather with a light pink belt.   "Hmm, what would Binnie look good in?" He questioned picking out an outfit for him with out even being asked too. That's when he found little black overall shorts and a blue T-shirt that had white fluffy clouds on it, pulling it together with knee high socks. "Perfect!" He thought bringing it out to the boy that sat waiting on the bed.

"Here Binnie I got you an outfit" he smiled handing it to him but the smile was not returned. Soobin thanked him and took the clothes going to the bath room to get dressed. He blushed as he stared himself in the mirror. "God I can't believe I'm wearing this" he told himself before breathing in and walking back out. "Aww Binnes so cute!" Yeonjun said wrapping him in a hug. "You should ware that more often" he winked causing Soobin to blush once more.

They decided to go out and eat aging senses they still didn't have anything to eat. "Remind me to go to the store latter" Yeonjun said as they took their seat by the same window.  They ate slowly as neither of them had plans for the day. It was quite while they ate, they both felt awkward form what happened yesterday. Though Yeonjun felt a little hurt as he couldn't even get a simple pep from the other who sat across from him just pocking at the bread. "Binnie, you need to eat" Soobin didn't say anything or did he change his actions. Yeonjun sighed and placed his hand on Soobins. "Please Binnie, you love bread why aren't you eating?" He asked with concern. Soobin just shrugged and pushed the plate away.  "I'm just not hungry" Yeonjun sighed once more and also pushed his plate away. "Ok, but you have to eat a big lunch then"  

"Wanna go to the park?" Yeonjun asked trying to get any reaction form Soobin, even if it was a small smile he needed something.  But Soobin kept quite so Yeonjun just wrapped their hands together dragging him with him. 

Of course it would be all muddy and wet, it just rained yesterday. Yeonjun sighed sitting on the damp bench. Soobin sat beside him leaving a gap in-between them, and this didn't go unnoticed by Yeonjun but he didn't feel like pushing it so he just sat still smelling the faint scent of rain on the green grass.  After awhile he looked over to see Soobin texting on his phone and he had a bright smile on his face.  "Who you texting?" He questioned leaning back to peak at his phone.  "What? Oh it's no one" Soobin shut off his phone but Yeonjun saw the contact name read "Yeri" Why was he lying about texting her? He could have just said it was her there wasn't a need to lie about it?? Yeonjun sighed and rested back in his seat feeling numb. Why was he letting all this get to him?

He cloud tell Soobin was avoiding him all day seeing as he only spoke to him a few time through out the day. They were walking down the isles of the grocery store. "Want anything Binnie?" Yeonjun asked but didn't get a response. He looked back to see Soobin on his phone texting again. "Binnie?" He said once more finally getting him to look up. "Hmm?" "You want any snacks or a drink?" Soobin just frowned shaking his head no before going back to his phone.
Yenjon rolled his eyes and kept pushing the cart as he was getting kinda annoyed at this point. Yeah he knew he fucked up, but that didn't give Soobin the right to completely ignore him. "Just be patient Yeonjun" he mumbled under his breath just as he heard small giggles coming from the other who fallowed behind him.

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