A chill went down my spine. "Good evening, gentlemen," I said, nodding my head. I had a good idea of what this visit was for. "Forgive me for keeping you waiting. I was unaware we were expecting guests. Do you work with James?"

"No, we are not colleagues of your father," the taller of the two said. Behind a pair of spectacles, his brown eyes were sharp and intelligent. "I am Dr. Brown and this is Dr. Spencer. You must be Miss Mary Sutherland."

Mother's hands were clenched tightly together, and her face was pale when I glanced over. "Oh, then you must be acquaintances of our dear family doctor, Dr. Thomas," I said with a smile. "I just stopped to see him a few days ago."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James give a start as though he were surprised. "Did you now," Dr. Spencer said, his tone gentle. "And why was that? Have you been feeling unwell?"

"Oh, I've been perfectly well. However, Mother expressed concern I had overexerted myself, so I thought it best to see Dr. Thomas about the matter." I gestured to the chairs. "Shall we sit down? Or will we stand about until the meal is served? Have you been offered some refreshment? A drink, perhaps?"

My voice sounded strained even to me. "Are you upset about something, Miss Sutherland?" Dr. Brown asked, his eyes narrowing.

"A bit," I said readily. "After all, if I had known company was going to be here, I would have made sure to cut short my walk. Do you enjoy walks, Dr. Brown? I find them so refreshing. In any case, I'm very much afraid you think me rude for having kept you waiting."

"You say you visited Dr. Thomas," Dr. Spencer said, stepping forward. "What did he have to say about your health?"

"That I am as sound of mind and body as anyone. I'm sure he will be glad to tell you the details himself, if you wish," I said succinctly. "But surely you didn't come tonight to talk about me."

"Mary, you're becoming agitated," Mother said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Give the gentlemen a chance to talk."

Dr. Brown held up his hand. "No, no," he said. "Let the girl talk. I'm sure what she has to say will give us a clear look into her mind."

I couldn't help a glance at James as I sat down in a chair by the fireplace. Beyond his start of surprise at hearing of my visit to the doctor, he managed to maintain an expression of concern. It would seem he was certain of this meeting's outcome.

"You were saying, Miss Sutherland?" Dr. Brown said as he sat across from me.

"Hmm? Oh, I thought I had answered Dr. Spencer's question adequately already," I said, folding my hands in my lap. "What more would you like me to say?"

It may have been my imagination but I thought I saw the doctor clench his jaw. "Wilful, is she not?" James said, shaking his head. "You can see the difficulty I face."

"Did I not answer clearly? Perhaps we should summon Dr. Thomas and he can explain it in terms you could understand," I suggested, widening my eyes. "I'm sure he would come as soon as a message was taken to him. He's taken such good care of me over the years."

"Miss Sutherland—may I call you Mary?—your father tells us you have been suffering from delusions," Dr. Brown said, ignoring me. "You believe yourself to be engaged to a man who doesn't exist?"

Now I had to tread carefully. A glance was all it took to tell me that Mother would not be speaking on my behalf. While I was as devoted to my Hosmer as ever, until I could prove his existence, I would have to protect myself. I could only pray I had the wits to do so. "Why that is ridiculous!" I exclaimed. "What a story! How can I be engaged to a man if he doesn't exist?"

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