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Gwen POV

I got scared for a moment he flatlined and all I could do was cry on his chest the doctor gave us space

Gwen: (crying) please no, come back to me, please

Doctor: I'm sorry ma'am to say but he's go-

Then like a miracle the heart rate machine started beeping again

Nurse: oh my God doctor he's coming back heart rate steady

Docter: it's a miracle

I didn't listen all I could do was smile and cry, he didn't leave me he came back

Gwen: thank you for coming back to me

Timeskip 6 days later


I woke up In The hospital and saw a nearby nurse so I decided to ask her some questions

Y/n: excuse me mame I'm kinda wondering how long have I been here

Nurse: close to 7 days

Y/n: wow

Nurse: you gave us a scare you flatlined for a good while before your heart jumped back up

Y/n: mmm(looks at hands covered on wraps) hey nurse can I take these wraps off

Nurse: why your arms are severely burned

Y/n: I dont think the are you know what I kinda feel great

Then I got off the bed and that shocked the nurse completely

Nurse: oh my you shouldn't be walking yet

Y/n: what were my legs burnt too?

Nurse: yes very burnt almost to the bone and now they look completely fine, I've gotta get the doctor

She ran out the door to get the doctor who came in just a surprised as the nurse was

Doctor: my good how is it possible you healed overnight

Y/n: well since I'm okay can I leave

Doctor: oh um yes but we do a medical exam before you go to make sure this isn't a temporary thing and then you break down

I nodded and the doctor started checking my eyes my ears and my reflex right now he's checking my heart rate

Doctor: okay seems like your just fine uh well get you some clothes okay then you can go

Y/n: right


I was walking home back from the hospital and made it to my house and walkin in the door seeing my mom on the couch stressing out and a lot of paperwork

Y/n: mom

Mom: y/n!!!

Then she ran at me to crush me in a hug

Y/n: hey mom what's all this

Mom: dont worry about It I thought you weren't getting out the hospital any soon

Y/n: I'm all better but mom what's worth all the paperwork

Mom:(sigh) well honey you see the banks trying to take the house and I dont know what to do

Y/n: mom, I've been saving up more money lately I can help

Mom: oh no dear you dont have too

Y/n: I got you, mom, anyway have you seen Gwen

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