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Zachary's POV

"Mom where are my favourite socks!" I yell downstairs while rushing around room to room "laundry" she calls back as I roll my eyes and shove on a random pair before booking it downstairs. "Have a good day!" My mom calls out as I run outside just in time to catch my bus. I climbed on and moved all the way to where Daniel sits, my best friend "morning" I say placing my bag on my lap "have you picked out where you are volunteering yet?" He asks and I look over at the yellow paper he's reading "yeah, I signed up for the hospital. You?" I reply as the bus stops to pick up more people. "Actually, I think I wanna work with dogs" he says as I nod, pulling my phone from my pocket I quickly change the song that was playing in my one ear. "So, when do you find out if you get to go to the hospital?" He asks as I lean my head back. "Today after science" I reply.

Getting off the bus Daniel and I part was as we only have music together, I made my way to first period. "Hey Zach!" Kay smiles then I return the smile and sit next to her. Daniel and Kay were the only two people to know about my sexuality I dated Kay for about three months but couldn't keep such a thing from her so when I told her she was very supportive and let me off easy, even said she'd be my fake girlfriend if I ever needed it and I thank her for that. But all we are now is really close friends.

The class started and that's when I started to take notes "hey, Kay" I whispered over to the blond while she hummed a response "are you volunteering anywhere?" I ask as she shakes her head "Im not sure, there's nowhere cool to go" she says while still paying attention to the lesson in front of them. "Do you think many people will volunteer at the hospital? In trying to get into it" I say a bit anxious, I didn't have interest in anything else,
I wanted to make kids happy, sing for them and teach them that they are perfect in every single way shape and or form and that they are strong. I didn't want to work with costumers or animals. "I know a few people who signed up, they said only twelve people signed. You'll get in Z I know you will" she pokes my face and I smile nodding.

- time skip, lunch -
I sat alone at my table awaiting my few friends to come, I slowly ate away at my salad but honestly I was way to nervous, I really wanted to be able to volunteer where I wanted too and I guess I'm a bit to passionate about it. "Earth to Z" Daniel says laughing while waving his hand in front of my face "yo" I say taking a sip of my water bottle. "Eben said he has things to do over the break so it's just us" Kay says sitting down with fries as she eats away at them. "Hey Zach, I was signed to the pet grooming place I signed up for!" Daniel says as he plays on his phone. "You guys are lame, don't you wanna get paid real money?" Kay says while looking around the Cafeteria. "I mean, I wanna go to the hospital and support the children and see them smile, I don't need money for that" I say while taking a bite of my food. "Awe zachy, you are the sweetest" Kay says making me chuckle. "I know, I know" I pretend to flip my long hair that doesn't exist.

The bell rang and I packed up my lunch and waved my goodbyes to the two as I walked out of the large room, it was science and that meant the results would be soon and I just couldn't wait.

- time skip, after science -

"Dude you did it!" Daniel yells while holding my shoulders from behind, I smile while reading my name on the white paper plastered on the wall by the main office. "We meet tomorrow to go over and see who we are assigned too" I say while doing mine and Daniels handshake "what does that mean" he says laughing "I get to meet who I visit everyday for four weeks" I reply "I wish you luck" he pats my shoulder before walking off again. I roll my eyes and smile while taking a picture so I remember the time the meeting is.

"Tomorrow is gonna be amazing" I left around the corner.

HEY! Look I'm writing a new book!! Haha anywho, stay tuned to find out who Zach has to visit for a month 🕺🏼 2️⃣🆒

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