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I walked down the hallway. And I see a weird dog cat thing. "HoI. I'm TeMmIe." "Azzy?" "Wait (n/n)." I run to my sister's half brother. She talked about him a lot. Before she... I dont want to talk about it. "FRISK." I shouted. Azzy's smile faltered. "Tell her I miss her y/n)." "Oh right. Sure" you see azzy can't see frisk like me and that... disgusting. TRAITOR. "'Yolo (y/n).' Hey frisk. (I'm on a phone so whenever frisk talks in your mind we'll put'. Kay?. Okay.) 'I missed you so much sis.' Me too. 'Now come on! Let's meet dad!' Okay okay. Hey wait up!"(also I'll put your hole conversation in quotation marks.) I run to catch up with my ghost sister. What a bittersweet reunion...



Reader-chan: I walked-

Azriel/temmie: what did you think you do teleport?

Reader-chan: stfu


Reader-chan: azzy? *dramatic sob*


Until next time my nightingales~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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