'Maya called me.' He replies as he sits in the chair next to him. 'I would have come sooner but I couldn't get away from work.'

'Thank you for coming.' Travis smiles at him.

'Hey.' Grant puts his hand on Travis' knee. 'She's your family. Your family is my family.' They kiss once more but are interrupted by Ryan clearing his throat. Travis and Grant look at him.

'Sorry to interrupt.' Ryan apologises.

'It's okay.' Travis smiles.

'The doctors have brought me up to speed.' He starts. 'I think I may know how she got the injuries.'

'How?' Travis asks. Ryan walks further into the room.

'I've been in contact with Brooklyn's school.' Ryan begins. 'She's been having trouble with a group of girls, and lads, for that matter. There have been a few incidents after school and before school. Members of the public called the school to say that they've witnessed this group beating Brooklyn. They've kicked her, punched her, slapped her, bashed her head against a brick wall.'

'How'd they know it was Brooklyn they were beating up?' Travis questions.

'One witness approached her after one of the incidents. Apparently Brooklyn insisted she was fine.'

'Sounds like her.' Travis laughs.

'She dropped her school ID.' Ryan continues. 'So she took it to the school and explained what she saw. After that, she told her neighbours to keep their eye out for anything like it happening again and word spread throughout that neighbourhood.'

'Can't you arrest these guys?' Grant asks.

'Unfortunately not.' Ryan shakes his head. 'PD have been involved before and Brooklyn has said that she doesn't want it to go any further. They're going to be kicked out of the school.' He adds, pissed off. 'I've read the reports and believe me, I wish I could arrest them.' He sees Travis boiling up with anger. 'Don't go and do anything stupid, Travis. I don't want to be arresting you too.' He then leaves. Grant looks at Travis.

'She didn't tell you about any of this?' Grant asks him.

'No.' Travis shakes his head.


A couple of hours have passed. Karen and Mason have arrived at the hospital and Travis and Grant have returned to work. Ryan and CPS have spoken to Karen and Mason and have come to the conclusion that they are not at fault for Brooklyn's injuries. Travis is in the workout room on the bike when Vic walks in. She gets on the other bike and cycles too.

'How's Brooklyn?' She asks him.

'I don't know. I haven't called her foster parents yet.' Travis says. 'But when I left she was going better.'

'You're angry.' She states. 'At her.' He stops cycling and looks at Vic. Vic also stops cycling.

'She was being beat up by this group from school and she didn't tell me.' Travis tells her. 'And now she has a skull fracture and brain injuries.'

'Travis, you gotta understand that she was probably scared and-'

'She tells me everything!' Travis exclaims. 'Everything! She's never hidden anything from me!' He gets off the bike and storms off, bumping into Sullivan on the way out.

'I thought I gave you the rest of the shift off.' Sullivan asks.

'I need to be here, Captain. I need something to do.' Travis responds.

'Your head isn't in the right place, Montgomery.' Sullivan shakes his head. 'Go home or go to the hospital and be with your sister.'

'Captain-' Travis starts to say but Sullivan cuts him off.

'That's an order, Montgomery!' Sullivan folds his arms.

'Fine.' Travis sighs and walks off.


Here you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Let me know what you think!

Much love

Much love

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