'SATs have improved to 79 and holding.' Amelia tells them.

'Not ideal.' Owen shakes his head. 'This has got to be one massive pneumo.'


Half an hour later, Owen walks back to the ER waiting room with Amelia. As soon as Travis sees him, he stands up and walks over to him.

'Travis, this is Dr Amelia Shepherd, she's out chief of neurosurgery.'

'What took so long?' Travis questions.

'There was a complication.' Owen states.

'What complication?' Travis asks, worried.

'Brooklyn has a pneumothorax which is most likely why she felt pain in her chest earlier.' Owen replies. 'We've put in a chest tube but we've had to sedate and intubate her as her oxygen levels got down to 75.'

'What did the CT scan say?'

'Brooklyn has some minor brain swelling which has caused increased intracranial pressure.' Amelia starts. 'It also looks like she has multiple brain contusions. She also has a fracture at the base of her skull.'

'What?' Travis gasps, not being able to believe what he's just heard.

'The injuries weren't caused when she passed out.' Owen shakes his head.

'We've put Brooklyn into a hypothermic state to try and relieve the swelling.' Amelia informs Travis. 'Dr Hunt mentioned that your sister is in the foster care system.'

'Yeah.' Travis nods. 'Her foster parents are still about an hour away so I've left a message for her social worker.'

'We're going to have to bring up concerns of abuse.' Owen informs him.

'I know.' Travis nods. 'It's just hard to believe that Karen and Mason, they're her foster parents, would do anything like this.' He adds. 'They're not her first foster family but they're the first foster family that has willingly let Brooklyn see me. Before them, I was always told that I had to go through her social worker and be supervised and I could only see her for a certain amount of time a week.'

'Thats got to have been hard.' Owen says. 'For both of you.'

'Yeah.' Travis nods.

'If you don't mind me asking, what's the reason being Brooklyn going into the system?' Amelia asks.

'Our parents died five years ago and given mine and my husband's jobs with the Fire Department, we weren't allowed to take her in.' Travis explains.

'Would you like someone to call youe husband? You shouldn't be here alone.' Owen queries.

'He died nearly two years ago.' Travis replies.

'I'm so sorry.' Owen sympathises. Travis smiles slightly. 'Is there anyone else we can call for you?'

'I'll call my partner.' Travis nods. 'When can I see Brooklyn?'

'We can take you now, actually.' Amelia says. 'Follow us.' Amelia and Owen turn around and lead Travis up to the ICU. They take her to Brooklyn's room. 'I'll be in to check on her in about an hour.'

'Thank you.' Travis smiles and nods. He walks into the room and sits down in the chair next to bed. He holds Brooklyn's hand. 'When you wake up, you need to tell me what happened. I need to know that this wasn't Karen and Mason.' Just then, Grant walks into the room.

'Oh my God!' He gasps. Travis looks up at him.

'How'd you know she was here?' Travis asks. Grant walks over to Travis and kisses him.

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