Sifting on his feet Steve replyed, "I heard it."

Banner glanced over at me. "So did I, that part anyways."

'Well, I think that was meant for you," Banner pointed to Stark, who was now standing with his back to me. Stark kind of just looked away and held out the bag to Banner, who looked a bit confused before he took a couple.

"Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the town it was still all over the news." Wonder who Barton is, I think to myself.

"Stark Tower? That big ugly b-" Steve stopped when Stark glared at him abit as he held out the bag for me to take some. I give a small smile of glee as I reach into the bag to grab a hand full.

"Thank you," I mutter as i scoop a few into my mouth.

"Building in New York?" Steve finished with Stark still glaring at him.

"You two are really great at glaring at each other, it's amazing," I say with a mouthful of berries.
Steve gave me a light glare and I shrugged my shoulders before turning back to Dr. Banner.

"It's powered by an arc reactor self sustaining energy source." he turned to Stark, "That building will run it's self for, what, about a year?"

"It's just a prototype," he replied. "I'm kind of the only named clean energy right now. That's what he's getting at."

"So why didn't S.H.E.I.L.D bring him in on the tesseract project? What are they doing in the energy business in the first place?"

"I should probably look into that, once my dicription code finishes breaking into all of S.H.EI.L.D.'s secret files," Stark walked around Banner and pulled a small device out of his back pocket and looked at it.

He stopped next to Steve, "I'm sorry, what did you say-"

"Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge," He cut Steve off and put the device back in his pocket. "In a few hours I'll know every dirty secret S.H.E.I.L.D. has ever tried to hide. Blue berry?" he offered.

I moved to stand next to Banner and watched as the two spoke. Stark seamed to relax but Steve was still tense and on guard.

"Yet you're confused why they didn't want you around."

"An intelligence organization that fears intelligents? Historically not awesome."

Steve looked over at me before turning back to Stark. "I think Loki's trying to wind us up." he said strongly and a bit louder. "This is a man who means to start a war, and if we don't stay focused then he'll succeed," He looks over at Dr. Banner, before continuing. "We have orders, you should follow them," he looks at Stark when he says that last part.

"Following is really not my style," he says as he pops more berries into his mouth.
Steve sighs, "You're all about style aren't you?"

Stark's eyebrows knitt together, "Of the people in this room which one is  wearing a spangly outfit and be of no use?"

"I may not be wearing a spangly outfit but I sure feel of no use," I say quietly. Banner seamed to have heard me becaus he glannced at me with a little worry in his eyes before turning back to the boys.

"Steve," he gets his attention, "tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?"

Steve glances at each of us. When his eyes land on me I nod slightly, I agree with them. I hadn't been there long but from what they were saying I could tell something fishy was going on.

"Just find the cube," Steve says before walking away.

"That's the guy my dad never shut up about? I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice," Stark said before turning to me. "Anyways, Princess, what's your talent?" he asked me, drawing my attention.

The Blue Crow [an Avengers fanfic][TO BE REMOVED SOON]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя