Episode 1 - Act I

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Students gathered around and sat down in the Assembly Hall, waiting for their Headmaster to make an appearance.

KK Where do you think he is? He's usually the first one here. [She turns her body to face the girl next to her] [Whispers] Maybe he's sick? Or something really serious is going on?

Mimi Or maybe he's just running late. God KK, you're so over dramatic.

KK frowns and looks down at her shoes, her face red with embarrassment. Strands of hair cover her face and she doesn't bother to tuck them behind her ears. KK looks up when a tall man dressed in black coughs to get everyone's attention.

Head Master Students of Magicae Academy, I will not keep you waiting any longer. The results for the Exams have come back and we are doing tremendously, as usual. The Official Board has suggested that we accept new students, despite the fact that we refused a few months ago. As you know, the attack on other Academies has left us rather wary, which is why we shut our door to other students. We have all come to a collective decision that, given our wonderful results, more people should be given the opportunity to come to our Academy.

Soft murmers spread across the Assembly Room. Some louder than others. A group of students stand up, anger in their faces.

Student 1 You're supposed to be protecting us! Letting new students in will let evil in too!

Some people erupt into growls and nod their heads in agreement, cheering for him. Soon, they stand up and raise their fists in the air.

Headmaster That's enough! [Marches towards the group of students and points at the ringleader] My Office after assembly.

Whilst the others groan, the ringleader smirks. KK was positive that no one but herself and the Headmaster saw it.

(In Caterina's Café, London. There is no one there except the workers and a young girl, who is reading a letter)

Lucy Magicae Academy? I-I don't remember signing up (she remembers selecting random academies) (sighs) Ugh, now I remember. Maybe their accepting non- magical students?

A red haired worker approaches Lucy, an impatient look on her face.

Worker We were supposed to close 10 minutes ago. We can't keep extending it for you.

Lucy (sighs) I know, I'm sorry. I just got this really important letter an-

Worker (holds hand out in front of Lucy's face) I'm sorry, I didn't realise I looked like I cared.

Lucy (frowns) Oh...right. (picks up her things and carefully folds her letter.) Thanks for letting me stay longer. (walks out of the Café)

(Back at Magicae Academy, in the Headmaster's Office. )

Headmaster I will not tolerate the behaviour you showed out there. I expect better of you Mr. Dare.

The named student goes red and looks at the floor.

Student Headmaster, Owen's got a point, though. Letting new students in is damgerous.

Headmaster I understand that Michael, but Mr. Dare needs to learn, you all need to learn that evil is real. It's out there and the only way we can stop it is if we work together. If we use our power. (looks at Owen) It's what your family have done for centuries.

Owen (thinks) Yeah, and look how that turned out.


Hi! This is the first part and I really, really hope you like it! JaniyaCaprice has written a great story called 'Good' following this style so please, please check it out! I don't usually write like this but I liked the way she was able to make her story flow so I used the same style. So again, please send some love her way ♡

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