Oh, yeah, I forgot about that for a second. Shit, I hoped this doesn’t screw up the news he just told me.

“Well, it has to do with a pregnancy, too.”

His eyes shot wide open and his mouth, too. “No! You’re pregnant?”

“God, no! Boy, let me explain everything and then you can talk, okay?” He nodded and I explained everything.

“You can say something now,” I said after a minute of silence. I told him everything about Morgan, fake dating Nick, the fact that it’s our teacher, moving in with him, Lauren being pregnant, what he said and all that. I didn’t tell him they lost Mackenzie though, that’s too personal and quite frankly not his business.

“Professor Denson?”

I nodded and smirked. His face while questioning that was pretty damn priceless.

“Damn, y’all play a pretty damn good act! Does Chalice know?”

“No, I mean, I told her some things but then me and him stopped about two months ago because of a huge argument and I just never told her we got back together,” why hadn’t I told her? I knew I could trust her? I really have been a shitty best friend to her.

“Oh, right. Uh, anyways, just take a break again, from what you’ve told me, it seems like he’s got a lot of baggage. Maybe he still loves his ex-wife…” I felt my eyes welling up again; I did not want to hear that he might still love Lauren.

“I’m sorry, Adds, but seriously, saying the baby thing once is an accident, but twice, I don’t care what they say, it’s not a coincidence, he really wants that baby. You need to keep your distance.” I nodded. I did need to keep away. But it was so upsetting and I was pissed. I mean why would he want a baby with her? he says he doesn’t love her anymore.

Darren wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head in his chest until I heard my phone ring. I looked on my nightstand and picked it up. I already knew it was Morgan by the ringtone.

“It’s him.”

“Answer it, tell him you don’t want to talk and your answering to tell him that. You two need a break.” I nodded and answered.

“Morgan, before you say anything, let me talk.”

“Okay.” I could tell he seemed worried and upset.

“We need a break. I’m upset and pissed. We don’t need to come around each other anymore, other than school? Okay. Now, tomorrow when you have baseball practice I’m going to be coming over and getting all my stuff. Is that alright with you?”

He didn’t talk for a minute. “Are you still there?”

“Yeah, uh, that’s fine. I suppose. Please, Addie, I just want to explain everything.”

“No, no explanations right now. I need a break from you, okay?”

“But I love you,” and I love you, too, Morgan, more than you’ll ever know.

“I know you do,” I had to stop for a minute before I started crying on the phone. I looked over and saw Darren, he was such a great friend. “But, I think you need to find your place in Lauren’s life. You still love her,” I can’t believe I just said that outloud!

“Addie! No I don’t! I love you! Please talk to me.”

“No, Morgan. Now, bye,” and I hung up. I can’t believe I didn’t break down once and I stood my ground.

I put my phone back down and went over to Darren. “I can’t believe I actually said all that.”

“Me either, I totally thought you were going to forgive him,” he was smirking. Idiot boy.

“Geez, thanks for having faith in me. And I’m way too pissed to just forgive that too easily.”

“Good, because you do forgive way too easily,” Darren said. I nodded in agreement.

He got up off my bed and pulled me up. “Come, you’re going to have a best friend day night with Chalice, okay?” I didn’t even know what time it was now but I could see it was getting dark.

“What time is it?”

“Almost eight,” he said pulling out his phone.

“Okay. I need this and I miss her.”

“Good, and she needs it too, trust me. Now go pack your bags. I’m going to go, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow at school, now seriously, do not talk to him until class tomorrow, and then don’t even talk to him about this. Got it, Adds?” I nodded my head and he left.

I opened my closet and saw like five things on the hangers. Shit, I still had to wear something to school tomorrow, too. Actually I bet Chalice would let me borrow something. I opened my dresser to see if I had anything in them, I did, I grabbed some panties, bra, sleep shorts and a tank top and threw them in a bag. I got into my car and drove off. First I went to the store, too. I got all our favorite drinks, movies and junk foods and then went on to her house.

I knocked on the door and her mother answered.

“Addie, dear! Come in!” she said pulling me into a hug.

“Hi, Mrs. Power’s,” I said as she released me.

“Oh, Addie, you know to call me by my first name.”

“Right, sorry, Dominique,” I said and she smiled. “Is Chalice in her bed room?” She nodded and I walked up her stairs to her room with all my bags. Her lights were off and her TV was on.

“Addie? What are you doing here?”

“Well, I haven’t actually spent time with just you in damn near forever, so I went shopping, got our favorites and some movies.” She smiled and I turned on her bed room light.

I sat down next to her on her bed as I dumped it all out.

“I’ve missed you, Addie!” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “And I missed you, too, Chalice.” And right then I knew my night was already going to be amazing.


**********P.S. I've started to write a new story already, so I was just wondering if you guys would want me to upload it now or just wait until I am done with this one? I would continue updating everyday, but I want your guys' opinions:) It would be another student/ teacher relationship story! Anyways, thanks for reading! :)

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now