Alternate Ending pt1

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The bohemians looked to each other and helped the soldiers to their feet. It was interesting to have them on the right side. The side that had hoped for years that someone like Galileo would come into their lives. That hope, like the Holy vy-day-oh tappee, was short-lived. A ring fizzled through the air and the soldiers stiffened, the bohemians including Paul and Oz shook like they were being electrocuted from the inside. Galileo looked around himself, confused. Buddy's eyes widened as he stared at the Bohemians in disbelief. Scaramouche looked behind them, what she saw may horrid her for the rest of her life. The Killer Queen was there, fizzing and pooping slightly on her side. A passed out Khashoggi was next to her, she turned and picked the human controller up from the ground, sending another electrocution to her former slaves. Oz' s eyes began to tear up, Shakira pulled at his hair, Madonna punched his head, P. Puff Diddy Daddy Dum Diddy Doo fell to the ground, Quatro and Sixx both shook and scratched at their ears. Paul had screamed and screamed, Buddy had stared at all of them in anguish. Galileo watched as the Bohemians slowly but surely sucomed to the Killer Queen's power. He was frozen in terror, he tried to sing again but no words left his mouth. He looked to Scaramouche for any sign of hope. She was being held down by the past soliders and soon he felt his shoulders being pushed down as well. Buddy clenched his fists at his side and pushed through his friends, grabbing Gal by the shoulder and kept running. "Scar!!!" Gal yelled back as she was forcefully taken away. What Galileo failed to notice was the other Bohemians running after him. In the wasteland, no one was smarter than Brit. Next to him is Buddy and Oz. Buddy was not going to let the Dreamer be taken, so he kept running until he was able to shake the others off. Galileo was still shocked from their failure, how was the Killer Queen still programmed after that? Bringing his hands to his head, Gal shook his head back and forth hoping to find the answers. Buddy watched as Gal figeted with his own hairs and walk in circles like a mad man. By habit, Buddy walked over and reached an arm out to Gal, who flinched at the touch. "Hey, Rebel Dude. It will be alright. We were able to weaken her, we can do it again." Buddy tried to smile, only to have a glare sent towards his face that sent a chill down his spine. Galileo slapped Buddy's hand away and barked at him,"How are we supposed to do that without Scaramouche, huh?!" Buddy flinched at the sudden anger, slowly backing away as Gal stalked over him. "How am I supposed to sing without my baby? How am I supposed to defeat KQ without the 'most powerful weapon known to man,' Buddy?! How?! I'm the Dreamer and yet I still don't know what that means. Somehow you know it all, why is that?!" Buddy backed into a wall, he felt his entire body tense up. A lump in his throat was failing to shallow and he felt like he was going to burst. "What makes you so special? Why did you feel the vibe?! Why did you survive the processing?! How could you falsely lead the Bohemians? How could you take me away from Scar? How could you not protect Brittney? HOW COULD YOU ABANDON EVWRYONE LIKE THAT?!" By this point, Buddy's head was lowered where Galileo could only see the top of his mullet. If only Galileo had turned around sooner, would he not notice the drops that fell to the dirt beneath their feet. His anger began to sorted and his fists unclenched, "B-buddy..?"
"You're right..." the smaller male said, barely above a whisper. "What?"
"YOU'RE RIGHT!" He snapped, causing Galileo to now move backwards. Buddy had yelled... Buddy. Yelled. At him. The man who believed that Galileo could save the kids with his whole heart, the man who befriended everyone and annoyed over everything from the past. The man who helped Galileo on his journey, the most chill person that Galileo had the pleasure of meeting. He was a teammate, a leader, a believer and a friend. Gal stared at the male as tears streamed down his face, his eyes with a mixed look of anguish, guilt, confusion and heartbroken. There was no spark, no twinkle of the childish and old rocker soul. It was dark and full of pain because Buddy was not someone to talk about his feelings, Buddy was someone who listened and held you when you needed him to. "YOU'RE... right," his voice seemed to crack, "I abandoned them. I watched as Kashoggi processed them, I watched as Brit got shot in the back, I watched as Oz cried over his frying corpse, I even watched as KQ stood up from her so called rest and electrocute my friends. Neigh, I watched as she took my family. I watched because I knew, Gal. I knew I couldn't save them, I knew I was a goner if I ran in and that it wouldn't have worked. I know that if I die, if I died at any of those moments, nothing...NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN! NOT ONLY WOULD I DIE IN VAIN BUT SO WOULD EVERY OTHER BOHEMIAN BEFORE ME! YOU SCREAM AT ME, TELL ME THAT I DON'T CARE. GALILEO I DO, I CARE ABOUT THE BOHEMIANS MORE THAN ANYTHING!! YOU THINK I WANT TO LEAVE THEM BEHIND, THAT I WANTED TO PULL YOU AWAY FROM SCARAMOUCHE, THE WOMAN HOLDING THE GUITAR!! NO! I GRABBED YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON TO GET REMOTELY CLOSE TO STOPPING THE KILLER QUEEN, I GRABBED YOU BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE SMART!!.IM EXPECTED TO LEAD THE BOHEMIANS TO A FUTURE, A BETTER TOMORROW." Buddy is circling the small area he and Gal have taken up, his hands in front of him as his voice breaks between every sentence, "I'm expected to be smart, I'm expected to be a leader, I'm expected to do whatever it takes to save them. All of them, no matter how much it hurts me..." Buddy sunk to the ground, burying his head into his knees. "It hurts so much. It's hurts me... I know I can never know what you have felt or what you're feeling right now, but I can tell you that I'm trying..." He finally croaked before going silent again. Galileo looked in shock, Buddy was... losing hope. Gal felt like he himself lost sanity from even thinking of that sentence. Sure, he didn't know Buddy that well but the guy called the Bohemians his family, something Gal never had. He placed his hand on Buddy's shoulder, letting the male's head come up before saying, "let's get our family back."

There will be other parts, but they will not be here super fast, I will add more Queen songs to make the stories better. Ok? Ok. See you next time, bye!!!

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