Changing Face

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I sighed as I told him the final bit.

"I... This isn't what I really look like ya know." I said looking at him. I felt the magic disappear from my face. I felt the tattoos burning back onto my face. My eye was restored. My black hair shortened and became a dark blue. Anders was definitely not expecting that. He staggered back just a bit.

  "As you know I'm a powerful mage. And," I motioned to my face, "this is pretty easy to remember." I said frowning. There was a long silence I watched for the 'holy shit I need to get out of here!' look to cross his face but it never did.

"So... You lied to your friends and told me about your lie? What... Why? " He asked looking sincerely worried about me.

   "They would be in dan-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Tulip came bursting in. She looked bitterly at Anders.

"Where is she?!?!" She yelled. Anders waved a hand toward me.

   "Lip, calm down. I'm fine." I said standing. She recoiled when she saw me.

     "It's just me. This is the real me. I had to disguise myself. I did want to tell you but that could get you hurt." I said looking down. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly.

"To the Void with them all! I don't care if I'm in danger! I just need you to be safe. For Violet's sake and mine." She said tears making her eyes glimmer. I threw my arms 'round her and smiled.

   "Very well. Lip. We're in this together then." I whispered. Violet joined in clutching our legs. She pulled Anders into the group hug too. I wiped her tears and smiled.  This was broken by a woman carrying her child into his clinic. I took the boy from her arms and carefully put him upon the table. Anders wasted no time helping the boy. When the boy woke his mother took him away. A group of three people entered. There was a warrior boy with blue eyes and black hair, a short dwarven man with reddish hair and brown eyes and a mage female with silver hair and bright blue eyes. I walked toward them daggers drawn. The mage looked at me with sharpness. Violet ran over and hugged their dog. It barked happily and licked her face.

"Most people are afraid of little Gamlen." She said eyeing Vi. 

   "Well most people aren't mages either. Also most people don't know magic and the arts of a thief. So what lesson have you learned?" I said almost causally.

     "Not  to assume?" Asked the warrior. I laughed.

"No jackass. Vi, what's the correct answer?" I asked.

   "Most people don't know or do anything Spade!" She cried cheerfully.  I grinned spectacularly.

"Spade.... Why does that sound familiar?" Asked the dwarf.

  "If you're a guard at least give me a head start!" I yelled throwing my hands up. He snapped his fingers.

    "That's it! You broke me out of prison.....Um..... Never mind." He said looking at the woman.

"Shit! Varric? I knew you looked vaguely familiar! Well I'm Spade." I said bowing to them.  The mage nodded to me.

  "I'm Hawke. This is Carver." She introduced the warrior too. He didn't look all too fond of Hawke glaring at her then at me. He was angry at everyone. I looked at him and he stared at me. I didn't break contact first. His blue eyes darted away looking at the ground. I smiled at him. He was good enough.

  He's probably had stare downs before. I thought laughing quietly. Tulip looked at the group with a burning distrust. She looked at me for support. I shook my head mouthing the words 'They're fine.' She mumbled something inaudible but lowered her fists. Hawke and Anders spoke for awhile causing me to turn sour.

  What am I feeling? I thought frowning at the pain in my chest. I paced around until Anders reappeared.

"What the hell to you two so long? I was afraid y'all were kidnapped or something!" I said shuffling my feet uncomfortably. 

   "It's the Karl situation." Anders said shaking his head.

"Let's get on it then." I said going to get the others but Anders stopped me.

  "You're really high on their shit list. So lets keep you away from the templars. Just sit this one out? Please?" He pleaded. I knew when I wasn't wanted and this was one of those times. I waved them away.


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