"Thanks," I said, stepping outside, answering the phone when the door was closed behind me. "Hello?"

"Lucian? Lucian, where are you?" Chance asked, his tone like a mother scolding her child for running across the street without permission.

"Somewhere," I mumbled.

"Somewhere? I've stopped by your place five times since I noticed you weren't happy with my gift. It's still there."

Of course it was still there. Management didn't give a fuck about what went on in that building. It could be set on fire and they'd go down with it. If they never cared about our things being stolen from inside, they wouldn't care about what went on outside either.

"Yeah, well, you don't seem to take hints," I said.

The balcony wasn't too small, but because we were on the ground floor, it gave me no satisfaction to lean over the rail and admire the scenery. There was no scenery. Just grass and a line of ants making their way through. With the balcony screen being broken, I wondered how easily it would be to get inside and rob us. At least our room was the furthest away.

"What do you mean? Can we talk?"

"We're talking."

"In person."

"No, we can't."

"Lucian, please. I'm sorry for pushing our relationship. I'm sorry for being clingy. I'll apologize for everything and mean it, but I won't apologize for being in love with you."

"I'm not there, Chance."

"Okay, where are you? I'll pick you up."

"I'm in California," I said.

I waited for his reaction, but it never came. The call was silent. I double checked to see if he had hung up, but the timer kept ticking. Chance was processing it.

"Oh my god." He was at the verge of tears. "You really are done with me. So done that you moved away."

"My best-friend was moving away, possibly forever," I explained. "He gave me the opportunity to leave with him and start a new life. I took it because it's what I need. I can't rot away in that town. It's depressing."

"I would have moved with you to Alaska."

"Chance," I said, sighing when the sobbing began. "You need to find a way to move on. If you need someone to talk to, I'll always be there for you, you know that. But we are not good together."

"FINE! I don't care anymore! I'm done trying for someone who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit!"

He hung up.

That was definitely not the last time I would hear from him. I could only imagine the hundreds of text messages I'd get for this month alone. Chance wasn't one to give up. Because of his parents, whatever Chance wanted, he got. He didn't understand what 'no' meant, so handling rejection was not one of his qualities.

I stood outside for a couple of minutes. I wanted to breathe in the new air. It was hotter than what I was used to. Would I miss the cold? Maybe in the winter. California had a unique feel, and as we got closer to the summer, that feel would soon start to roast me live.

When I returned back inside, all of our things were in our room. The lack of furniture made the room feel bigger than it really was. It might be a problem if Dorian bought a lot of things. And at the same time, it could not. I didn't have a lot of things with me. I only took the important things. My desk, my bed, my television, my lamps, everything big stayed behind. Dorian had the great idea to sell everything and have Gwen send me the money. I could luckily end up with a few hundred dollars.

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