Chapter 3(Suprise)

Start from the beginning

"K-Kuroko?Where w-were you?Wh-y we-were you l-late t-to pra-practice?"
She stuttered out. Everyone had goosebumps running down their spines.

S-she never st-stutters at a-all. The members thought.

"Well, that's an easy explanation Coach" Kuroko says smiling, making the members confused. He never shows emotions,Is what they thought.

Kuroko hads over a paper to Coach Riko, and she immediately starts to read it quickly.

"A-a registration form!?" Riko said, making half of the people in the gym look at Kuroko in shock, and the other half looking at him with a smirk.The teal blue headed phantom nodded in response to her question.

"Yes, it's a registration,Coach.I'm going to be transferring to another school, nonetheless, my beloved's school." He said smirking, still having the aura that people,might, say is much more intimidating than the GOM's 'scary' emperor like captain, Akashi Seijuro.

"W-What?!B-Beloved?Y-you're se-seeing someone?!" Everyone yelled to the former member of Seirin.

"Yes, we've been dating for a long time to be exact.We've been together a week after our encounter with each other,during our middle school days." Kuroko replied with a big smile,clearly excited about the mention of his lover.

"Well, anyways" he paused, his smile being replaced with a smirk on his face. "I do hope that you guys get stronger. In the current state that you guys are in, you would never defeat us, or more so specifically , me." He continued,quietly chuckling, releasing a scary vibe towards the others.

Suddenly, someone started laughing.Everyone looked over to the laughing figure.Turned out to be none other than the tall red idiot on the floor.

"Y-you?We won't be able to defeat YOU?!Don't make me laugh, Kuroko. You can't defeat us, you're too weak!I bet that your lover is just a weak ass desperate faggat!They must be stupid to even date you!"
Kagami said while getting of the floor and standing up, but right after he stood up, a scissor was thrown to him, making contact with his cheek, creating a big scratch on the right side, while blood is slowly dripping down from the cut.

Kagami looked at the culprit, shocked to find Kuroko holding another blue colored scissor in his hand, his aura darkened more than before, if that was even possible. Kagami started shaking in fear.

Kuroko walked towards Kagami, pissed that he called his love, Akashi Seijuro, despicable words.

He stops right in front of the much taller guy, giving him a deadly glare that if glares could kill,Kagami would have been dead the second he looked at Kuroko's eyes.

"You know,Kagami Taiga, I just want to strangle you to death and make you suffer slowly by torture, but that wouldn't hurt you, and it won't satisfy my hatred against you. Instead, I'm going to beat you,no, DESTROY you, in the thing that you love the most.I will make sure that whenever you even glance at a Basketball or anything related to it, you would shake so hard and collapse to the ground, recalling the day I ruined you and took away the sport that you love." Kuroko said.You could hear the venom in his voice in every word he said.Their was no hint of him joking in his voice.The only thing  that can be found was anger and murderous intent.

After that incredible speech,*hint the sarcasm*
Kuroko turned towards the exit doors, but not before he grabbed his scissors that he threw to Bakagami, walked towards it, looked at Kagami with hatred, opened the doors,and walked out, but before walking out, he said "You, Kagami Taiga, had just started war."

The others were looking at Kuroko, scared of what he became and what he had said. We're doomed. They thought while shaking.

Hey there people!I'm so so SO sorry that I haven't updated Chapter 3. I actually already had half of it written 3 days ago, but I had to prepare everything for the Gupot that the school I'm in was holding, and I had to help set up everything that we needed, create the posters for the games, help sell all the things that we had to sell,(Popsicles, sourbelts, candy, lolipops, etc.), and help pass out the drinks for everyone,(There are a lot of teams in my Middle school, and every team had their own gupot, so there was canopies everywhere in the courtyard), but I'm on Spring break now!YAY!Now I have more time to write my stories and publish them faster!Thank you for reading this,and enjoy your day!

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