Until the World Ends - NeonJackalPenguin

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“Mate, you had no choice,” Jay came over to where Zak was sat and kneeled in front of him. “What did you think we were doing this operation for, huh? It wouldn’t be a walk in the park.”

“Enough talk. We need to get going,” Katrina strapped her walkie-talkie onto her belt. “The base over at Force 3 is moving which means we need to as well.”

“What? Now? We’re not prepared-“ Ace interjected.

“There’s no time, Ace! We need to move now! Go!” Katrina shouted at us all.

          We all picked up as much equipment and weapons that we could carry and hauled out of our base. I felt a gun being slung over my shoulder and ammo being put in my back pocket.

“A shotgun. You’re gonna need it,” I heard Jay tell me. I nodded and followed Katrina out the tightly sealed door.

Blinding sunlight hit my eyes as we stepped out into broad daylight. Currently there was no one, zombies or people to be seen, just ruined buildings of the city where I used to live.

Our base, Force 1, had been placed underground. There were currently about 4 forces in the city. Katrina was wildly talking away on her walkie-talkie to another base which wasn’t that far away from us. Each base was made up of survivors that had been rescued or found. We were all to join up at some point to fight together but when that was, I had no idea.

“Okay, over and out,” Katrina clipped her walkie-talkie back onto her belt and turned to the four of us. “You all have yours, yes?”

I checked my belt and sighed with relief. I hadn’t forgotten to clip it back on this morning when I’d woken up.

“Okay, listen up,” she snapped my attention back to her. “I know we’re starting this mission earlier than I would’ve liked but it had to be done. So, we’ve got to stick together, okay? No wandering off trying to be the hero, we fight together. If a zombie rounds on you, you shoot it in the head or you’re as good as dead and if you’re bitten, it’s game over, no member of the team can come back to help you. Are we clear?”

We all nodded and Katrina led on. I swear for the last instruction she looked at me specifically…

For maybe about half an hour we tracked through ruined buildings and what looked like dead bodies (although I didn’t like to think it) until we found ourselves at, what looked like, a school. Actually, not just any old school, it was my school.

“Hey…this is-“ I began.

“Yep. This is school,” Zak finished my sentence.

“No, this is where we’ll set up camp for a while until I get some kind of signal from Force 3,” Katrina said and made her way through a door which was hanging off its hinges.

“Does she know what she’s doing?” I held back a little and waited for the guys to follow her in. “Is it safe to go in there?”

“I think we’d know if there was any of the Z’s around. This place would be infested otherwise. Like bees to honey those guys,” Ace made his way in after Katrina while I hurried behind.

“Katrina, we’re gonna have to destroy the stairs if we want any real safety,” I heard Jay call from behind Zak.

There was no answer from Katrina so in the meantime; we followed Ace up a flight of stairs; more specifically, the flight of stairs up to the Science block.

“Katrina?” Ace called. No answer.

“She can’t have gone far,” Zak said.

We all went and checked classrooms and down different corridors until we retreated at the top of the stairs.

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