Fast Forward And Show Me Stars [Paul Imprint] 6

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Paul's POV

It was the middle of the afternoon, and I felt an impulse for something I did not know. I wasn't tired even though I should have been exhausted due to the mere two hours of sleep that I had managed to get. Jacob was one lucky bastard; he was given a few days off of patrol because his cousin or friend or something was staying over at his house. That reminded me, Jacob had said something about going over to Sam's house to meet her. My intuition told me to hurry my ass up and get out of bed, and I honestly had no idea why.

I glanced out the window with a meager expression, it wasn't raining. I decided to walk - or run, rather, because of the nice weather. But as I pulled on a pair of shoes and some jeans, I decided that if it actually was raining, I probably would have run anyway.

I slammed my front door shut and cringed at the sound, having been lost in my reverie to notice that I had even left my house. With a tilt of my head, I started off into the forest. I decided not to phase because I did not want my new pair of jeans shredded. I stuffed my fists into my pockets and watched the raindrops from last night glisten and fall off of the tips of leaves.

My mind began to wander as I continued my trek through the woods and I growled low in my chest as a particular thought popped up.

This new leech had wandered into our territory and it was just as good as avoiding us as that vampiress with red hair. I growled again; if it was anything like her then it would most likely take a while to catch it and 'get rid of' it.

As soon as it would manage to get on our side, it would jump right back to the Cullen's side and we could never catch it. It was so irritating, not knowing what it wanted and why we couldn't catch it. Ever since it showed up long ago it just kept slipping out of our nets.

I supposed it was because the pack had gotten lazy. We hadn't had to deal with any leeches or other trouble since the whole Volturi incident. Speaking of that, Sam should have just let me kill that demon baby while we had the chance. But since it's been, well, born - for lack of a better term, Jacob has found an imprint. I'm happy for him, sure. But it's annoying seeing him acting lovey-dovey all of the time.

Apparently, looking at your imprint for the first time is indescribably; something so amazing that you don't even know what hit you. According to Jacob, anyway.

It didn't take long for me to reach Sam and Emily's house and I walked through the glass sliding door in the back. It seemed that I was the last one there, besides Jacob and his cousin or sister or friend or something. Like I said earlier, I had no idea what their relations were.

"Hey man." I heard Embry say, and I nodded in his direction.

I pushed Collin off of the couch and laughed as he fell onto the floor.

"Asshole," he growled, grabbing my ankle and pulling me to the ground.

Seth shook his head at the two of us as we wrestled around (hot xD) on the floor, not bothering to listen for Jacob coming in his truck.

Twisting Collin's arm behind his back, he refused to cry out in pain which of course made me determined to do so. Yanking his arm harder, I eventually made Sam roll his eyes at us, "Paul, you're going to dislocate his arm."

"He can just pop it back into place," I said, shrugging.

"Paul... Jacob's here."

'Jacob's here' meant that I had to act nice in front of his little friend. Or cousin. Or something.

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes back at him as I settled on the soda in Collin's old seat.

I could hear her heart beat before Jacob opened the door, and I thought nothing of it until Jacob did actually open the door. I was most definitely not prepared for what I saw.

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